I am delighted to have Nana Akosua Hanson return to the ‘Adventures’ session at Chalewote2016 which I organise with my sister friend Paula. Enjoy Nana Akosua’s contribution to our Spirit Women call out, and send your contribution ASAP if you have not already done so. See you at #Chalewote2016. Love, Nana Darkoa
I’m a slut. An ethical slut. A goddess whose love is universe is creation is life. I love that I possess a love that is so encompassing and deep that it can be shared to as many special people as I choose. The ocean’s got nothing on my love, which swirls and roars and swallows in her depths, and yet remains calm on the surface as though she hadn’t just drowned a ship whole.
I’m a slut. An ethical slut. You see, cuz I’m deeply in love and can see myself spending the rest of my life with him. Yet she over there just makes my clit tingle and I can envision having orgasms with her that last for a lifetime. But I’m also in love with Seun in whose arms midsummer nights spent in a haze of weed and alcohol is the kind of heaven the Bible is afraid to talk about. He knows how to mix an orijin just right…2 shots of bitters, one shot lime, then tops it off with the – small, mind you, not the big – beer of orijin. Then in a sweet high, we talk Nkrumah, Kemet, white supremacy, nuclear weapons and the trendiness of Africa rising.
I’m a slut. An ethical slut.I feel no guilt because guilt is death to love. When I’m with any of my soulmates I live within that moment. I love so fully, so wholesomely and dare not cheat their time by imagining how my other lovers will feel. Monogamy is a bitch, a sweet bitch I can only hope will one day make sense to my love. But for now I live my days as a black goddess whose love is universe is creation is life.
I’m a slut. An ethical slut. When the men do it they say it’s fine…he’s a man. It’s what men do. In fact ‘need’ to do. But when I do it I’m a dirty word. But woman is older than man older than life older than form. It was female deity before male god. From her came the universe and universe exists in harmony because she loves the sun moon stars planets man woman earth sky in varying ways, but equally. She loves each one powerfully. It is her love that holds creation. So it makes no sense to me to squeeze this universe of love to suit one person. It will be the death of the universe if woman loved one man. And excluded woman. And earth. And sky. And space.
So I’m a slut. An ethical slut. And I guess I do it to protect the universe.

2 comments On ‘Ethical Slut’ by Guest Contributor, Nana Akosua Hanson
Beautiful. I actually smiled through it all. The rawness and honesty of it. Beautiful
love love love it !!! “guilt is death to love”.now this got me excited (don’t ask why)great stuff Miss Hanson