‘Adventures’ at Chalewote 2016

I’m delighted that ‘Adventures’ is returning to #Chalewote this year with my love and co-conspirator Paula Azugibiwe who is all kinds of wonderful: a talented writer/editor, all round creative, and probably one of the biggest supporters of Chalewote that I have ever known. She has been travelling to Chalewote from wherever in the world that she is for at least three consecutive years. Paula will be moderating what is bound to be a scintillating conversation (in other words: it’ll be lit!) with Nana Akosua Hanson, a multi-talented TV/radio presenter, writer, poet, actress; Akwaeke Emezi, an amazing writer, filmmaker and creative; and Timehin Adegbeye, a talented writer, activist and communications professional. And then there will be me.

Our #LABs session on SPIRIT WOMEN is a celebration of exquisite forms of spirit power that are (often negatively) associated with femininity – and may not be viewed as ‘power’ in the language of patriarchal robotocracies, but in human reality, hold the world together.  This session will include a performance of a monologue specifically written for Spirit Women by Nana Akosua, Akwaeke will read an excerpt from her forthcoming book, Timehin will share a never before heard piece she wrote for the occasion, and I will read a deeply moving piece that was received in response to our call out.

Spirit Women will take place On Friday 19th August from 7:30pm – 9:00pm at the Untamed Empire concept store in Ridge, Accra . Check out the Accra dot Alt program for the full range of exciting events that make up #Chalewote2016.

Spirit Women graphic created for Adventures by AnimaxFYB Studios.
Spirit Women graphic created for Adventures by AnimaxFYB Studios.

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