Here Come Adventures in Ya Ear!

Okay first, I want applause for the restraint I exhibited with the wordplay on “come” and “ear”.  That had the potential to go left real quick. 

But second – and more importantly- I want some applause for this announcement we’re about to make.

Adventures Fam: Adventures Reads is ready to go LIVE! Make some noise!!! 

What is Adventures Reads?

We conceptualized this project in 2020 at the height of the pandemic. In the days of #DontRush and #SilhouetteChallenge, we observed just HOW much content we were capable of producing from our homes and on our phones. Could the same work for an audio project? It was worth a try. As a team, we began to collate stories from the blog that entertained and enticed readers over the years. We imagined diverse voices, accents and attitudes portraying these stories that we’ve come to love as a community. 

It’s been a long road to this point. When we did our call outs for voice actors for this project in February, we were overwhelmed by the response. More than 600 people (and counting!) from the Continent and the Diaspora responded with both interest and interesting auditions. As a team, we were floored by the amount of talent and ambition demonstrated in the submissions. And some of y’all’s audios were just WILD. Have you ever heard an exorcism unfold on a .wav file? We have! Ha! 

Season 1 of Adventures Reads launches today June 8, 2022, on Soundcloud. We will explore sex and pleasure in all its forms, from lust, humour, politics and discovery. 

I’m excited about this project and giddy with anticipation about the comments. Our community always brings the fire with witty reactions and reactions. So tell everyone – your friends, your aunties, your enemies- we’ve got the juice, the hot, wet stuff we’ve prepared for your ears!

Listen to our very first episode!

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