For When We Are Fucking Again

Illustration depicting a man and woman wrapped around each other
Illustration depicting a man and woman wrapped around each other

I want you to ride my tongue

we take turns

you ride my tongue

I fuck you with my tongue

you ride my tongue

and on and on

for… 9 minutes.

let’s time it. make it a game.

have I told you I’m developing a sex game?

it’s dope.

we’ll play together.

I want you to finger fuck me.


our first time is forever etched in my mind

this time I’ll communicate better 

to let you know that when I squeeze your hand tight, I’m saying

“that is so fucking good,

just keep doing that,

it’s cumming”

I couldn’t speak before (it was so fucking good)

and I think you thought I meant to go slower. I didn’t.

Remember when we played endlessly with each other’s nipples

oh, the cumming!

I always knew my nipples had a direct line to my pussy

but damn, 

I didn’t know I could feel the intensity of that direct line so profoundly!

your attention to different textures & feelings & rhythms & sensations

took me on the most epic pleasure journey.

I wanna do this again.

I wanna do this a million times again!

sex game prompt:

what part of my body fascinates you the most?

kiss me there.

when we are fucking again,

let’s talk about EVERYTHING.

make endless talking be the beginning of our foreplay.

nothing goes unsaid. in defense of our right to pleasure

sex game prompt:

ask me to suck on your clit and keep sucking until I make myself cum. however long it takes.


I’ve been on a break from the streets

for myself.

to stop and wallow in the glory of the loves I have found so far

to spend time going deep in these places

to establish that firm friendship foundation that makes forever possible.

(forever as in, the love doesn’t have to end)

being off the streets

has been peaceful

a reunion with self 

a remembering of who I am & what I want & why it matters

self-pleasure and solitude


and –


or ready. 

definitely anticipating.

I’m starting to feel ready again for pleasure with other humans 

summer body loading

(my timing is mine

your timing is yours

I love you already,

everything is magic)

so –



definitely anticipating

pleasure + you

sex game prompt:

“name a song you like with pussy in the title”

I’ll tell you mine

Pussy monster – Lil Wayne

pause and listen to the song before we continue

(I paused my writing too)

“Now can I eat you?”

gah! don’t you just want to be propositioned like that?

for when we are fucking again

I’ll ask you properly

I love your body –

we have barely began –

I’m just giddily excited about the big unknown that we get to walk into together

together and well-defined in our individualism


I’m the pussy monster

and you gotta feed me pussy.”

for when we are fucking again.

make it a sex game prompt

I saved a video to show you

the way she sucks on that clit… 

it felt like poetry

awoke my pussy monster

and my aura filled with you

your body

the wanting… 

feels good to specifically pause to celebrate your body

when we are fucking again

I’m in body worship mode

lemme go get a playlist started for us 

I might spend a lot of time lightly touching

face, hands, legs


tuning into an energy space only we could conjure

touching, undressing, holding –

can I be your big spoon for a minute?

when I close my eyes I can feel the melting of our bodies into each other

we fit so well together

[let’s schedule a cuddle date]

[I miss you]

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