The Sexventures of the Prayer Circle Wives Chapter 2: Epic Sex and A Madonna-Whore Complex (Part 1)

The week after the Prayer Circle was formed, the three women — Mary, Nana Adjoa, and Rosie — were on cloud nine. They had found a new purpose that excited them and also gave them something to look forward to. Finding out that other women shared their plight made them feel seen and justified in their own desires, and they were each determined to make their shared goal work. So for the whole week, they combed through the Bible to find texts that they could use to convince their husbands to take their sex lives seriously. 

The obvious choice was Songs of Solomon, which had a lot of romance in there, and Rosie, being a new bride and with most of her confidence and self-worth intact, latched on to passages there, coming up with a more direct way to approach her Deacon husband. The other two women, who had been married longer with stricter husbands more entrenched in church activities, opted to be more subtle, finding passages from other books in the scripture instead. 

They were supposed to meet on Sunday after church at Mary’s house to share the scriptures they had found with each other before formulating a plan of action. However, by Thursday, Rosie was horny, impatient, and dying from anticipation. There was no way she could wait until after Sunday. 

So, brimming with nervous anticipation, she prepared to confront Deacon Kofi. She took a long, relaxing bath and then dressed to seduce.

She wore a short, see-through black lace nightie and sprayed some of the Bodycology body splash that her husband had loved on her while they were dating all over her body. She knew she looked damn good, and she was determined to get some great sex out of her husband tonight.

Feeling sexy and confident, she knocked on the door of the guestroom where he slept now and entered.

“I need to talk to you.”

Deacon Kofi looked up from the messages he was replying to on his phone at his wife. His eyes widened briefly when he took her in, and he swallowed nervously, looking quickly away.  

“I’m sorry, Rosie. I’m a little busy with church work. Can we talk tomorrow morning?”

Usually, that kind of dismissal would have been enough to get Rosie leaving with frustration, but not today. She had seen the flare of interest in her husband’s eyes before he had looked away, and something suddenly occurred to her. Kofi had gradually spent less time with her in their bedroom before finally no longer sleeping there with her. His clothes were still in the Master Bedroom, and he usually checked in on her — sometimes after she was already sleeping — but he always came to say goodnight before going off to the guest bedroom to pray or do whatever religious stuff that took all his time. “I don’t want to disturb you,” he had said when she confronted him about no longer sharing their room, but now, looking at his reaction to her scantily clad body, she began to suspect a less holy reason for his avoidance.

“I’m not leaving until you talk to me,” Rosie informed him, walking toward the bed and sitting next to him, making sure that her position gave him an eyeful of her naked breasts and inviting pussy. She bit back a smile when his eyes latched onto her body and he licked his lips unconsciously. 

“See something you like?” she asked him wryly when he couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away from her body. 

He snapped his eyes back and moved slightly away to put some distance between them. 

“What did you want to talk about, Dear?” Kofi asked instead, moving on to what he felt was a safer topic. 

Rosie was a spontaneous woman. She hadn’t planned on how to approach the topic with her husband, and for a few seconds, she had an internal debate on how to say what was on her mind. She finally decided on a direct approach. 

“Kofi, I’m not happy in this marriage.”

His eyes flew to her in alarm. “What?”

She nodded solemnly. “Our marriage hasn’t been what I expected it to be. We’re just a few months into this and I have to tell you plainly that I am not enjoying it at all. If this is how things are going to continue, I’m afraid I would prefer to cut my losses now.”

He sputtered. “Rose, you can’t be serious. I thought we loved each other. We promised to be together for better and for worse until death do us part.”

Rosie scowled. “That vow was probably a mistake. There should have been some caveats, now that I think more deeply about it.”

Kofi was shocked. “What do you mean? Are you saying that you regret our vows?”

“What I’m saying is that in this day and age, promising someone until death without a caveat seems a bit much, but I digress. Kofi, I still love you. So much. But this isn’t the married life you promised me, and I don’t feel the love any more. We had such a great sex life before we got married but now, you barely touch me, and beyond the sex, you don’t even have time for me. The only thing you have time for is the church and God, and that is alright if that is what you want to do with your life, but then you should have become a priest or something instead. You can’t marry a sensual woman with a high sex drive and then act like a priest afterwards. If you no longer find me desirable, you need to tell me.”

His eyes raked her body once more. “Rose, how can I not find you desirable?”

“Then what is the problem?” she demanded with renewed frustration. “If you want me, what is stopping us from having sex? I haven’t had a dick in my mouth for so long, and you know how much I crave that.”

His nose flared, and a glance down showed that he was tenting in his pyjamas. His breathing also changed to that quick aroused rhythm she was so familiar with, but he didn’t respond. 

Rosie brushed her hand over his chest tentatively, half-expecting him to stop her, but he didn’t. Emboldened, she firmed her touch, eliciting a reluctant moan when her fingers tweaked his nipples.

“Ever since we got married, the few times we have had sex have been boring, and I barely orgasmed. What happened to us, Kofi? Why have you been starving us like this?”

With a strangled sound, he pulled him to her, catching her lips in a hungry kiss that made her moan as she kissed him back with the same ferocity. He fucked her mouth with his tongue as if kissing was going out of style while his hands explored her body, releasing her boobs from the thin fabric. It had been ages since she felt this desired, and she loved it. He broke the kiss after a while and stared at her like a man who had rediscovered something heady, with pupils blown with desire. Before she could complain about the kiss ending so quickly, his lips were sucking on her breasts, and his fingers found her already-wet snatch as he suckled on her breasts like a starving man, eliciting a surprised but gratified moan from her lips. It had been so long since she had felt his big callused hands and eager lips on her body that it didn’t take long for her to fly into an orgasm, her legs trembling with the effort. 

She had barely recovered when he sat on the bed and after putting a pillow on the floor to cushion her knees, dragged her a little roughly down and quickly pulled down his pyjama bottoms, shoving his already-hard dick into her mouth. She hummed in pleasure as she sucked him, unreasonably horny by his rough treatment. She had expected that it would be a while before she could convince him to go back to the rough handling she enjoyed during sex, so having him go straight from zero to a hundred was a happy surprise. 

She wanted to give him the best head she had ever given him, to remind him of what he had been missing these past months, so Rosie concentrated on the matter at hand and pulled back slightly, sliding her nipples across his dick head — a move he always enjoyed — and feeling a rush of power when his eyes glazed over. She did it for a few seconds before releasing his dick to fondle her own breasts and tweak her nipples as he watched her with arousal and half-lidded eyes, leaking pre-cum. When they were both adequately aroused, she finally took his dick into her mouth again, licking and sucking gently but firmly in a way that was meant to frustrate him. She hummed in pleasure as she bobbed on his dick, taking him in by inch by inch, savouring the feeling of his thick length in her mouth again.  

A soft chuckle quickly turned into a moan for her when he lost his patience and started to roughly fuck her mouth earnestly, his hands moving to the back of her head to control her movements. 

And a bit later, when he turned her around to slide his hard shaft into her warm, waiting wetness, she moaned loudly in pleasure, revelling in what she had sorely missed. The orgasm that ripped through her made her momentarily unconscious, but not before she heard his loud groan as he found his own peak.

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