New Look, New Book!

Greetings fellow Adventurers!

Things are shaking up over here on Adventures. We have a new look and loads of great new content. To add to that, this summer promises to be a blockbuster for readers and writers of African fiction and chick-lit (if it’s still PC to call it that.)  Chimamanda Adiche has written Americanah, Nnnenna Marcia and VV are about to be published, and yours truly finally put finger tips to keyboard and completed the mandate that I’ve put off for far too long…

ATS will be available in print on May 10th. (shiii!)

That’s right guys, we’ve penned our first novel!

Look for The Daughters of Swallows on bookshelves and on We can discuss how my fellow ATSians feel about how everything ended with the girls. Was it a fitting end? Did everyone get their just desserts? Was Tony everything he presented himself to be? Questions, fila and sappor!

Malaka BookCover2

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