“I don’t need the pill. I only had sex once” “What do you mean you don’t need the pill? You only need to have sex once to fall pregnant”. And that is how I …
Category: General Issues
Issues that do not fit into our broad categories
Je dédis ce monologue à ma sœur Tokossel qui est atrocement mutilée et à ma sœur Seynabou qui est morte l’année dernière, à 40 ans, laissant ses jumeaux et 6 autres enfants. I recant this monologue …
Since being diagnosed with fibroids 5 years ago, I have seen a total of 16 doctors. 16 being the number of every individual medical practitioner to have examined me whether for follow-up visits or surgery or …
Read ‘What I want you to do to me’ by Nana Darkoa here, Wolverine’s contribution here , D’s contribution here and Eleanor T.K’s contribution here What do you want your lover to do to you? Tell …
My #Afrifem sister @Zawadi Nyongo wrote ‘Is it time for a nipple revolution‘ and that’s set me thinking about my own nipples and the breasts they are attached to. My nipples rarely give me sexual pleasure, …
Sexuality is an odd thing. A group of us could be sitting around a table talking about orgasms; each of us using the exact same vocabulary but our experiences will most likely be vastly different. Since …
He was supposed to be a palette cleanser after a short relationship that went horribly wrong. I’d never been in a FwB situation in my 35 years and this fellow had been pursuing me for just …
So over the weekend, my girlfriends and I had a girl talk. We talked about fashion, food, careers, and the opposite sex, dating and money. I noticed that …
I looked at the gynae’s face and could tell something was wrong. Her brow was knotted, her eyebrows narrowed, she had fallen silent and was no longer chatty. She moved the probe around on my belly …
Once again we found ourselves just inches off Osu’s one-way streets at our usual Attiéké location where three entrepreneurial Francophone ladies has set up their business. Selling Attiéké (akin to moist gari), complemented with avocado, fish, …