Non-monogamy has been a hot topic in the last few years as we see more and more people claim this part of their identity and share their lived experiences with the world. Like with so many …
Category: Relationships
Ethical non-monogamy can be defined as participating in more than one relationship in an ethical way. “Ethical” implies that everyone involved is consenting and aware they are in a relationship where non-monogamy features, they have discussed …
When I met CHF in 2003, I was two years into my vow of celibacy, one year into an intense fitness regime that saw me shrink from a pudgy US size 18 into a svelte 14, …
Unable to hide his own excitement, Maleek pressed himself against her thigh, rubbing his hard, denim-clad cock in tandem to the rhythm of his fingers inside her. He moved the sheer sleeve of her dress off …
Too much time had passed since Maleek last saw Zara. And she was wondering what had gone so wrong with him to necessitate his “disappearance”. She had been to the hospital a couple of days after …
He came back out to find her standing by the fire, a distant look in place of that smile he’d come to appreciate so much. He crept up to her without a word and whispered in …
Even the misses make for a good story! Background: I’m a queer, pansexual, polyamorous human. A very sexual being. At the turn of the new world (just before COVID), I consciously decided to do sex and …
It was on a weekday, I think a Tuesday or Wednesday; days of no significance with dreadful suns in Autumn. My days were grayed by bunking classes for reading books and writing. The yellow came from …
This tweet filtered down my Twitter TL and got a HUGE response online: I was surprised by the numerous visceral reactions from people with whom the tweet resonated, because if the pulse and temperature of social …
I was about to go to sleep after a particularly delightful session with the husboo when something snatched me away from my much-deserved post-coital slumber: A realization. I couldn’t smell the sex I’d just had. I …