As a fulltime goddess, I have been on a journey of self discovery and my own education. This journey has brought about a very wonderful gift. I have begun a very intimate relationship with my goddess …
Blog Posts
The Initiation: the first encounter had happened the night before, and there were the usual fumbles and insecurities. We had been sending sexy text messages all morning, and finally I summed up enough courage to tell …
On a previous post about ‘shag buddies’ one of the regular commentators on this blog Kofi stated, ‘renting is for the birds’ – where renting refers to shag buddies… Now I’ve been in the renting business …
A finger in the mouth Runs slowly its entire length Along a rough and hungry tongue That grips with eager strength Leaving behind a creamy trail A tangy taste, a whiff inhaled Of steamy creamy sourness …
I was bbm’ing with one of my friends earlier this evening and after our usual random conversation on everything under the sun the conversation changed: Her: Hmmm Speaking of which Me: Eh he Go on… Her: …
Historically there have been some categories of people that I thought it was completely out of the question to date/hook up with: * My friend’s ex * The friend of an ex * The brother (sister …
I was parking in front of the house gates when out of the corner of my eye I saw a man run up to a woman and grab something off her. I thought to myself “Am …
Imagine if… Men and women didn’t play games… People were free to love whoever they wanted to love… Age really was nothing but a number… Imagine if… (Add your own ‘imagine if’ in the comment field …
Yesterday my girlfriend and I were walking past ‘The Pink Pussycat” in the Village (New York) when she asked if I wanted to pop in: “Sure, I’m supposed to do a review of a sex shop …
[caption id="attachment_522" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Going bananas for condoms?"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_523" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Condoms galore!"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_524" align="alignright" width="300" caption="What colour pack would you like?"][/caption] …