Guest Contributor Ms A Reviews “Pleasures”: A Ghana based Sex Shop

Ghana, 2009. There’s a church or mosque on every other corner. Our national image is still one of conservatism, good behaviour and high moral standing. Sex is strictly the preserve of married couples, and only for procreation, if you please.

Imagine mine and Nana’s surprise then, when we discovered a couple of sex shops in Accra. One Monday afternoon, we cleared our diaries to check out one of these shops. Called Pleasures, it stands out proud along the busy Spintex Road. Surely, they’ll only sell sexy undies and glass heeled stilettos, we thought to ourselves. Sure enough when we entered that’s all that met our gaze. Very kinky undies, cheap looking padded bras and tacky heels.

By the time you take the five steps from the front door to the back of the shop, you’re soon greeted with fruit-flavoured lubes, fluffy handcuffs, nipple rings, dirty DVDs and assorted accessories. Whether you’re bi, straight or gay, there was something for you. After checking out the products on the shelves we thought that was it, and turned to thank the sales assistant. But then we spotted the dressing room area and behind the curtain was a plethora of sex toys, from your basic vibrators to the more intricate, multi-performing gizmos. Now this was more like it, we thought. But it didn’t take us long to notice the prices of these vibrators. For one vibrator you can expect to pay a phenomenal Ghc150. For lube, you’ll be paying Ghc30 and it’s the same for simple edible panties. Nana and I were delighted to see a shop that did not seem seedy, was not hidden from view and displayed a wide variety of sex aids. But we aren’t going to spend ridiculous amounts of money on these products. So, alas, until the management of Pleasures review their prices, we’ll have to rely on imagination and lots of willing men to get us to climax.

36 comments On Guest Contributor Ms A Reviews “Pleasures”: A Ghana based Sex Shop

  • WOW!!! LOL!! $150 (essentially) for a vibrator? I’d have to be climaxing for DAYS for it to be worth it.

  • I wanted the nipple rings! but at 30 Ghana Cedis a pop, I thought what the heck…I might as well wait for my next trip abroad to shop for toys

  • Awurade!!
    $150.00 for a vibrator indeed!! Why are Ghanaians always trying to rip fellow Ghanaians off?
    With $150.00, i might as well by a man, n tell him..HEY YOU DO THIS THAT AND THAT..YES! THANK YOU! Lol

  • Gh is funny papa… a whooping 150ghc… that is ridiculous but a sex shop is a really cool thing. Should check the place out myself

  • Must say I love this blog Keep up the good work! I always come but never comment. Its Good to see real down to earth Ghanaian women at the top of their game, not ones who are two faced about sex on the outside but she devil’s in their bedrooms. Ghana treats sex like a taboo subject as if Ghanaians do not have sex! Not enf sex education if you ask me, I remember asking my mum what condons were? I found out two years later

    Well there is a new shop opening soon I think Jan 2010 or so. I came accross thier website by accident while looking for a new mini – vib for my girlfriend and was wondering if I could buy a one from a sex shop in Ghana as the old one stopped working because it was not waterproof. From what I saw they have an adult department too! offering all sort of sex toys and vibs for women but there is a waiting period from when you order till when you recieve it. I must say I was impressed with what I saw. I emailed them on how and where I could pay and they said they were not accepting orders at the moment till they were fully opened for business in Ghana.
    Hope they open soon as I have to eat way too much pussy and put my back into it to get her to climax, i miss the good old egg vib it used to cut me some slak,maybe I will get her a rabbit this time.
    Hey when they open I will email you the url to check out their website but am sure you would found it by then but they have now put up a static white page to prevent people from seeing it, I keep checking every now and then.

  • @ Ev, what is the name of this shop, and what is their website??

  • Sorry about the wait didn’t think any one wanted the web address of the site. I hope Nana is not pissed am posting it here. Ok the exclusive information:

    The web address is:
    you have to type it into the browser as they have not listed it.

    Let me correct my self. They are are not a new company they used to be at Abeka. Thay started in 2006 but thier adult shop is new so am still not wrong, they are now called My Catalogue Shop.
    Funny I got my compupter printer from them from them some time ago and they are good at what they do so am happy to see the new addition! – so seductive.

    well in case you are wondering what am getting her this time, since I have read alot of “rabbit, rabbit” on this site it now going to be A Rabbit. I like the Pink Pussy Pleaser but I will get her the Vibe Therapy Serenity just in time for her B-day.

  • @ Ev, found the website and ordered two vibes (including a mini rabbit). After 6 weeks, they were delivered. Got a free vibe in addition. The customer service was excellent. The missus actually loves them, and it does cut me some slack. Sad thing though, they don’t carry lubes or massage oils yet.

  • @ ranv from next month they are having all the different lubes in stock. And stocking all the toys, no more waiting.

    The review of Pleasures was spot on! bravo Ms A. Two months ago I went to Pleasures with my Mrs to go look and see for myself I wanted to get a lube but was too expensive. Well their prices are very high thats for sure !!. You know what I do not get. They are not hidden form view but when you enter the shop everything is hidden? Does it make sense? Its a sex shop I want to see dicks and pussy, not dry walls and a nice sofa!

    Ok the other side of the coin this is how everyone is going on about the $150 for a vibe. Just for the record I do NOT work Pleasures in fact I dont like them! (They feel they know too much and they have crap customer service, well sort off and they have useless attitudes. I was not impressed with the shop attendent I did not feel welcome in the shop ). I buy all my sex toys from they are far better and have the best customer service I have seen. Since finding it my sex life has been great. Yes I like them alot in fact I am Pro Mycatalogueshop so sorry.

    $150 for a vibe let me break it down in1,2,3 steps.

    1) Whats the goodwill damage going these days to rent a shop in Ghana? $12,000 to $20,000 for a basic shop which you have to pay All AT ONCE to the landlord for 5 to 10 years. Not counting the rent each month which is not added.

    2) Not every one imports from the USA, Pleasures toys seem to be from Euorpe noteably UK or Holland, using the exchange rate as of today, GHC 1.5 for 1 US Dollar. so $50 will be GHC 75
    Now we take UK pounds £50 with the exchange rate of GHc 2.2 (which has come down from 2.5) will be GHC 110. Most Rabbit vibes are around £40 to £50. Take the Lelo Liv retails between £70 to £90 yes, Sex toys are expensive. I read in the Lotions, Potions and Creams on this blog which had
    “plunking down $25 and purchasing some KY Intense”
    $25 thats GHc 38 which makes their GHc 30 for a lube sensible.

    3) You have over head costs of light, water, AMA and paying a worker to man the shop the costs add up. How much would you pay someone per month to run a sex shop? Everything is imported which you have to pay. increasing the cost.
    Ghanaians dont really buy sex toys and most women are even shoocked by the tot of using them even if they want to plus they feel shy to enter a sex shop. Am not saying they dont buy but not as much as our overseas counter parts because are still wondering of how they are going the buy their next meal.

    Imagin selling only one sex toy per month which is what happens, with all the high operating costs and rental investment in locked capital. So a GHC 150 Vibe you could make Nothing or less than GHC 10 per vibe which does not cover your cost caz you still have someone to pay at the end of the month. someone might think wow very expensive and another might think wow very cheap. All depends on the way you look at it. I am not saying their prices are not high in fact they are very high so as the review said “management of Pleasures review their prices”. I can get the same vibe from for half the dam price!

    so very amazing with the lowest best prices on the market, great selection of toys and thier no nonsense shopping experience and good business know how, but they would have to rise their prices if people dont buy or simply go bust, you can not make a loss forever. Them being online helps reduce the costs but an online shop is still very expensive to run. They seem to have other services as a backbone to support but nerver the less they know their job and business so am sure they have good plans in place. They are definetly a game changer and are here to stay thats for sure.

    God bless and for giving all of us more interesting sex lives.

  • Where exactly can I locate this Sex shop “Pleasures”. I learn its on the Spintex Road. Could you give me detailed directions, and if possible their contact. Thank you.

  • @Finks – Hmmm, I’m not sure how to describe it to you. If you’re driving from Tetteh Quarshie towards Spintex, Pleasure is on your right hand side. I think its just past the Robin Hood Hotel/Papaye (but it could also just be before). Its on the top floor of a two story building. I don’t have their contact details. Maybe someone else can give better directions

  • hey Big Girls……l have to go there right Mr right..hmmmm doesnt get me very Hot….hmmmmm problem…l really think l need one of the Vib..@Nana Darkoa…please show me things on how to do the use….hope you understand…se ya

  • I want some porn dvds… But I cant any shop with me out

  • @Kukua – Sorry, somehow I forgot to reply to your comment. Lol! I will put a post on ‘How to use a vibe’ on my to do list…

    @Blinks – Hmmm, I don’t know ooo. I am assuming you are in Ghana. Can anyone suggest somewhere?

  • I am a banker in akuapem area and it has been my dream to open a sex shop here but as to where i can buy my stock. pls link

  • i need sexy ligarie for myself,so how much is cost


  • please i want to no the price of doido for men,medicine for men,i want to be come a female,any medicine for me

  • I want to use dildo whit women and lick here pussy i am a bisexual contact me xxx (deleted by admin)

    • Hi Sandra. We don’t allow people to solicit via the website so I have edited your comment to remove your number. Please note this for the future otherwise I will have to mark your emails as spam. Thank you.

  • boy-do i feel inspired…………u go girls…

  • please “pleasures” please reduce ur prices to that of the general prices so that u can get lots of customers because i know alot of people who would love to have one of them vibrators for their sweethearts; especially on vals day.

  • yaaay. am soooo excited. i hope alot more of such shops wld apeing up so qe have varieties to xhoose from

  • Hi,dearies. I seriously need a dildo.My husband has been in the states for the past six months and I don’t want to go in for any guy. Please help me with where I can get one

  • Just want to know where the shop is located, I went round the sprinted road and never saw the shop, telephone number will be nice

  • I need a vibrator how can I get one?

  • Hi Vico, i can help u get all the sex toys u dream of here in Ghana, dont know how to contact u from here, if u know please contact me for your vibrator

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  • Wow need help on where to purchase some of the sextoys in Ghana here asp

  • I want to know if “Pleasures” also have strap ons? I want to get one for my boy and I. And I would need clear directions to,the shop please

  • @ kukua, if you Mr right can’t get you really hot as you want, i could be of help. just get in touch

  • Never had an orgasm please can u help prescribe a sex toy for me.I’m not a virgin anyway

  • Hi mirinda i never got one until i did it myself!

  • Hello,im 30 suffering from erectile dysfunction with premature ejaculation. So I feel shy to go for a woman.I have erection but not very hard and can’t maintain it.I have consulted urologist but he said my penis looks normal so he didn’t prescribed any medication for me.i am really starving with sex, please can someone suggest to get treatment??

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