In Celebration of the “Missionary” Position

I have been pondering the “Missionary” position. The term “Missionary” is rather unfortunate…the implication is it’s a religious sanctioned position to adopt in the bedroom (one can’t imagine doing Missionary anywhere else, can you?) and like some religious instructions its associations is “boring”, “unimaginative” and “limiting”.

Well, I have a confession: I LOVE THE MISSIONARY POSITION. I love to feel the weight of my lover on my body, I love to look up at my lover while he is making love to me and okay I confess…I love that he is doing most of the work…Reverse Cowgirl is too much hard work!

What’s your favourite position to adopt during sex and why?

13 comments On In Celebration of the “Missionary” Position

  • There is a lot more I can learn from you I guess! Bring it on!

  • Missionary style seems to be the default sex position and is not a bad one in itself but I believe variety is a spice of life and so as many angles should be explored during a session, as possible. I have no style preference but try to maximise pleasure from whatever style we fall into so long its not uncomfortable nor harmful to either parties.

  • Nana, I’m with you on this! Missonary is sooooooooooo underated. I get the whole weight of him thing. My latest lover asked me what I love best about him and I responded, ‘your weight on me’. He STILL doesn’t get it! However, there are other positions that do VERY nicely. I think go with the flow, sometimes you fall into some odd positions that feel oh so good!

  • @Edward – Ermm, what specifically would you be looking to learn?

    @Mr Jones – I totally disagree that one necessarily has to explore many angles during sex…there is nothing worse for me than getting comfortable and into the groove and then brother man decides to show me his acrobatic skills….I am not saying we should do missionary all night but don’t be trying to flip, turn, twist me like we’re in the olympics!

    @Nsoromma – Thank you! A woman after my own heart 🙂

  • Missionary is boring. It’s great for when you just want a lazy fuck or when you want to make love, but it’s still boring. Being on top is probably my favourite. Doggy style is his favourite – but then isn’t that every man’s favourite position?

  • Lol at “flip…me like we’re in the olympics!”
    I still insist that “variety is a spice of life”. Sticking to missionary for too long would most def be boring.

  • @Sugabelly – Lol at doggy style being every man’s favourite. I wonder why?

    @Mr Jones – Yooo…I hear all you anti-missionaries…one woman’s meat and all that good old cliche’s

  • @sugarbelly-
    NOT true.. im lost right now, advice and opinions much well needed! My “f” buddy and I ONLY do missionary- kind boring, right?? I told him doggy style..his response “its not intimate”!…I’m lost, but proves, NOT always the guys favorite.

  • @T: If that’s what your fuck buddy said then you better hold on to that man. Most guys like the doggy position because it lets them enact their fantasies about masculine dominance. In that position it looks like they’re doing it TO you, which kinda makes them feel all manly and powerful.

    Also, if there’s a mirror in the room, the doggy position lets the man see himself fucking you which apparently gives guys a rush. I don’t know, I’m not a guy. I don’t know why their heads work that way, but it does.

    Oh, and besides that, your body actually looks really beautiful from the doggy style point of view. You know, when your ass is spread out and your waist sinks in because you’re bending on all fours; it really brings out an hourglass figure. Plus there’s the added benefit of him being able to fuck you, pull your hair AND squeeze your tits when he feels like it. There’s nothing better…. or so I’m told.

  • Sugabelly; you are tooooo much! But you nailed it tho…… That hour-glass shape thing? on point!
    A mirror in the room. whoa! Were you a man in your previous life or something? lol.
    Don’t tell anyone but mirror or no mirror, doggy is the only position where I can pull lil man out, see it all wet & glistening, slip it back in and keep the fire-crackers popping.
    Doggy isn’t necessary everyday though. (just like how xmas doesn’t come everyday). I don’t mind missionary bcos I get to go deeper and deeper with that.
    Different strokes for different folks, though a cliche, is true. A position only gets boring when results are not impressive and it continues to be used.
    @ Nana- you dont want to discard a guy that is into switching positions and getting all acrobatic on your a$$. He might have to work on his timing but he will also find a spot u didn’t know about during one twist-and-turn.
    Ladies, dont forget that as much as you like the work we do, we also like to lay back and have you do all the work once in a while too. Once in a while.

  • @Mike: Lol. My ex boyfriend and I were just really comfortable with each other. Like when he was hitting it from behind he would pull out a bit and say ‘ I can see some of your pussy juice on my dick’ and it always got him even more aroused.

    Tip: If you lift one of her butt cheeks with your hand and press closer you can get about an inch deeper during doggy style sex.

  • @Sugabelly, wouldn’t that extra inch opportunity really depend on the contours and size of the derriere in question? I think a more scientific analysis is called for.

  • What’s all this doggy is a MAN’S fav about? Hello girls…I know I said I can definately see tha benefits of missionary are sooo underrated…what up with you people I’m a chick and doggy can really get ME going!

    I hear what sugabelly is saying about the hourglass thing. I mean I’m naturally hourglass anyway and I love showing it off, without being told I KNOW I gotta look sooooooooo hot from that position! Lol!

    So knowing I’m looking great gets me going, hearing him getting off on that gets me going. So I pop that booty out, and decide I pump it back on him which usually get’s him even more….I think you get the picture…Girl’s get with the programme is all VERY arousing!

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