Eat Pussy

eat pussy

So, I’m hanging out with the amazing professional photographer Nana Kofi Acquah when I see a young man wearing a T shirt which says “Eat Pussy”. For a moment I am stunned – all sorts of thoughts are running through my mind and I do not react as he strides past me with his group of friends. Then I suddenly think this will be a great photo for the blog so I run after him and ask if he is willing to pose for a picture…

So men, this is a message from one of your own, “Eat Pussy”

I am feeling inspired to now write a post on “How to eat pussy”…soon to follow.

Photo credit: Nana Kofi Acquah

40 comments On Eat Pussy

  • Context baby. His context appears different, and therefore somewhat permissible. I understand a certain tribe in Ghana finds pussy (cat) meat a delicacy. 🙂 About the other one, I’m sure that’d make an interesting read…

  • first you drwon it, then you cook it, then you eat it.

    you dont need a whole new blog post on how to eat pussy

  • Eating pussy = pure bliss!

  • What about we the vegetarians? What will we eat?

  • @Q – I hope we’re saying Yes to the same thing 🙂

    @ Mr Jones – Context different?I do not think so…I think its like those “FCUK” t-shirts that were all the rage a few years back…

    @Faf – You sound like quite the expert. Perhaps YOU can write a Guest Contribution for the blog

    @Awansona – As the recipient I concur

    @Asantewaa – Who knows?

    @Edward – You shall eat the leaves/bush

    Thanks all for your very tongue in cheek comments

  • Pussy is yummy! Especially when its fresh and skinned. Peeps, y’all really need to try it.

  • Bad pussy eaters are worse than no pussy eaters! A blog post on how to eat pussy is very necessary because some people are terrible! Need one on how to kiss to!

  • I second Nsoromma’s comment. I hate it when the giver makes it seem like a chore. Good pussy eaters erm… eat willingly and enthusiastically. Have had some good experiences in that department so I’m waiting for the post and am looking forward to people’s comments – seeing what ppl like or don’t like (from both the giving and receiving perspectives…)

  • @Anthony – I hope we’re talking about the same type of pussy

    @Nsoromma – I SO agree that bad pussy eaters are worse than no pussy eaters. Seriously if you don’t want to do it don’t even try

    @Shane – I have missed you! Where have you been? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a comment from you. Oh yeah, its all about being willing and enthusiastic. Very few people showed an interest in me writing the “How to eat pussy” post until you came along and re-motivated me to write it.

  • @Nana – don’t worry, i’ve been lurking around here under different aliases so i’m still very much into this blog.

    as an aside – please watch this trailer of the new Shirley Frimpong-Manso movie and let us know what you think… has she gone too far?

  • @Shane – Lol! I met a reader who told me she used different aliases on the blog and wondered how many other people did the same. It was interesting, I had never even realised that people may use different aliases. Why is that the case? On that note I doubt if you are the reader I met because your online personalities are so different, or are you?

    Will check out the link and let you know my thoughts

  • @Nana, Yes, we are talking about the same type of pussy. I really appreciate your post and I do hope you do the one on pussy-eating techniques (I join Nsoromma and Shane in clamoring for it). I believe cunnilingus can be be quite fulfilling for all involved (giving and receiving) when done properly and under the ideal conditions.

    And for the ladies who have a bit of difficulty reaching the big O from regular penetrative sex, its a great way to get there. (You can say it complements or supplements regular m-f intercourse)

    It’s a bit of an acquired taste, no pun intended but the benefits are countless! I personally derive a lot of pleasure from a good job done.

  • @ Anthony, you seem really knowledgable on the wonders of cunninglingus I think you should write a guest post for it! If Nana agrees of course…

  • @ Shane, I watched the trailer, er, it’s all a bit much! But I guess she has to branch out for fear of doing the same films over and over. Seemed like every other Gholly/Nollywood sex and killing films. Plus more sex. I must say I’m disappointed 🙁

  • @Nana – I think I know the reader you met – we’re friends but no, I’m not her. Because a few ppl know I’m Shane (or can guess) I use other names for comments I’d rather not let ppl know came from me 🙂 Other ppl might have different reasons though…

    @Anthony – you sound like my kind of guy!

  • @Anthony – I SECOND Nsoromma’s suggestion about you writing a guest post on “How to eat pussy”. I love expert opinions. My piece is going to be “How to eat pussy” from the opinion of a recipient. I think we can do a tag post….you write yours from your perspective and I write mine from my perspective. What do you say? You can send your post to adventuresfrom[at]

    @Nsoromma – Great Suggestion! You read my mind…

    @Shane – The mystery gets thicker 🙂 My internet is soooo slow, when I downloaded the trailer it just brought up an error message. Will have to try later

  • @Nana, Shane, Nsoromma – Oh my…

  • @ Nana – Wow, guest post, wow!…I’ll send you a draft

  • Oh right… the subscription by email doesnt work. I didnt realise there had been this much activity since.

    @asantewa: No I’m not Ewe.

    @edward: if you’re “virgitarian”, you can have mushrooms

    @Nana: i see that guesblog on this issue has already been taken. drop me an email i might have another topic

  • @Faf – Oh no, I shall look into the subscription by email. Do you get the blog updates and not the comments or you’re getting no updates at all? Feel free to send me any contributions via adventuresfrom[at] Thanks

  • How about a guest post on fellatio? I’d always heard it described as something “good” girls didn’t do in African circles and I’ve been wondering if that has changed

  • @Shane Is this really a film by Shirley? I got no sense of the storyline, just scene after scene intended to “shock”. And I really did not need to see Majid Michel’s hairy ass at this time of day…

  • @Sankofa – actually i just assumed it was by her cuz it has a lot of the same actors and looks similar to some of her other films. i could be wrong though so don’t quote me 🙂

    and yes please to a post on how to suck dick – nana, i’m sure it will be as popular as anthony’s post and might even draw more male comments

  • @Shane and Sankofa – Hmm, I have always said I wouldn’t go down the Cosmo line and write posts on “10 ways to please your man in bed”…somehow I don’t think your guest post will go down this line so please send it via adventuresfrom[at[

  • i love it when my pussy is eaten. seriously its one of those things women like, and geeee it turns us on. but sisters out there, some must learn how to pamper their pussy. i do it a lot of times. give yourself a clean shave, lie in the bath, soak your self with some bubble bath, and many more. i will teach you to pamper your vagina, and her ladies out there, love yourself….

  • @ Edward,Nana pls hlp me tel him vegetarians eat ‘yssup’ hahahaha. bUT anyway i dnt no wat it feels lyk so if u wud gladly huk me up wit a guy wu wud do dat 4 me, i wud be vry

  • And I thought my blog was out there! Damn, I need to go back to school!

  • i will love to hear more abut it,some man need to learn how to eat it. lol

  • I love eating pussy, and I am going to buy one of those shirts!!!

    My fiancee loves it when I eat her pusy and bring her to orgasm. She used to say, “my turn baby to suck you?”, and sometimes, I would say, “no honey, you just lay there dead for a moment and enjoy what I just did to your G-spot”…and then I would walk away wiping her pussy juice off of my mouth to get her some chocolates out of my fridge.

    I studied pussy eating for a long time, bro’s…you gotta not use those teeth — no no, big no no…and there are a bunch of youtube videos you can watch, and even books…the key is patience…don’t try to do it in a minute…I play music in the background…you know, slow jammin’ stuff…it can take about 30 minutes, or even an hour to get her to cum in my mouth…and that be fine wit me…

    Oh, and don’t forget a little trick some women use on men…a little toothpast (just a little!) on those nipples, and a little on that clit, that provides some awesome stimulation (or put some pop rocks in your mouth!)…same deal as clinton with monica with her mints in her mouth…my girl loves it when I lick the toothpaste off her tits and her clit…

    All good…I’m gonna go get me one o dem shirts!!!

  • Think of pussy eating as a toothless grandfather savoring his favorite meal… slurping …really savoring… but most importantly NOT IN A RUSH!!

  • When a man eats a woman’s pussy right? she will give him the ride of his life!!!
    He has to lick it soft and slow and munch on the clit and pussy lips (lightly) with his soft wet lips, while licking and SOFTLY slurping…
    THAT is PURE heaven!!!

  • oh how i love it when my husband goes down on me, in my language I say…kudyiwa betche kunonaka…lol

  • well i guess Pussy eating has no user manual,just communicate with your partner & walla!!!..u there 😛

  • @Edward imagine salad with a lil tofuu on the side… gentle can get salty…

    *neck ache*

  • First thing that crossed my mind… This would be taken out of context if an asian man was wearing that t-shirt

  • As a white guy, who loves black pussy – I never met a black women who didn’t love it. My technique has been just like discussed here. Never view it as a chore, don’t let your mind wander, immerse yourself in that pussy and make love to it and make it your only thought. If your mind is drifting to “i can’t wait to stick my dick in” then you’re not really eating pussy, you’re only concerned with your own satisfaction. Eating pussy is supposed to be THE most intimate thing you can do to please your women. I connect with that pussy and try to send my love into that women through her pussy. THIS I learned after self evaluation with early partners that were much older than I – and you’d be surprised, I use no fingers, that’s an invasion of privacy in my mind.


  • Dida, please siddon somewhere. Other than that, if you have any special techniques, we would like to know!

    Pussy-eating tribe. Now I’ve heard everything! 😀

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