Guest Contributor Lady Mango: How to Eat Pussy…from a (Woman) Giver’s Perspective

See there is nothing as earth-shattering as those sacred moments when you are wrapped in the smell and the wetness of another woman’s pussy. You- all tongue and yearning, her- all moans of ‘yes’ and ‘don’t stop’….

But it never begins right there . If you want to feel a woman coming like a waterfall on your face you need to take your time. You need to begin when she is fully clothed and not even thinking about making love. She could be at work, or on her way to the shop. She could be sitting on a chair at home reading a book, or about to take a shower. Let her know she is beautiful. Text it, slip a note in her bag, whisper it in her ear. When she feels beautiful she starts to open. And when you tell her what you want to do with her… She starts to melt, slowly…slowly..

Take your time. You want her pussy to be all relaxed and warm and full of longing before you even touch it. Take your time.

Give her that look. Let her see it in your eyes. So she knows. And you know.

And when you are close enough to touch, touch her. Kiss her neck. Trace your tongue from her ear down to her collarbone. Wrap your arm around her. Pull her against you.

Take your time.

And when it’s time, slip your hand between her thighs. Run your fingers between her lips. Feel her wet already. Tell her. Tell her what you want to do. Ask her if she wants it.

She says yes and you need to go sloooow….. Your tongue is her path to heaven. And you want her to be begging for you to open the door to paradise…

Take the tip of your tongue and trace it across the roundness of her stomach. Tell her she is beautiful- she is. Gently open her thighs with your leg. Spread her. Part her, your fingers open her lips, and your tongue follows. Her clit is on fire.. Ask her how she likes it. Hard? Soft? Touching it? Not touching it? She knows. Listen to her.

Rhythm. Start slow, explore, work her clit in different ways. Ask her if she wants your fingers as you lick her. Pulse. Pulse. Pulse.

When she arches her neck back and starts to breathe deep don’t stop. Let it build. Build until all you know is the smell of a woman about to come, the sound of her letting you know how much she loves your tongue, how deeply she feels this.

And after she comes, kiss her gently, let her know how beautiful she is.

9 comments On Guest Contributor Lady Mango: How to Eat Pussy…from a (Woman) Giver’s Perspective

  • @ Lady Mango: Oh if all men would read this! Sigh. I haven’t been with a woman & never will because that’s not my thing- but 1 of my lesbian friends swears that a woman going down on her is the best thing in the world since sliced bread, lol. & after reading your article, I think I know why she said that! Gosh, I wish more men would also learn to take their time when going down on a woman. My boyfriend & I have been debating which position to do when I see him for the 1st time after my year abroad. After reading this I know we’ll definitely be doing ‘the drive through! & although he always takes his time, I’ll tell him to go extra extra slow! 🙂 Nice article.

  • nice one lady mango! i’m with you on this one 😉

  • omd….ure making me want something really bad right now….ooooh the images this piece evoked in my mind!

  • For goodness sake, we should tell the men what really makes us come instead of faking orgasm all the time. We all know penetration do not make us come. We have our orgasms whn our clits are rubbed. Or are there women out there who reach orgasms by penetration? If there are it will nt be more than 5%. I have discusd this wit my partner and he makes me come before he penetrates and trust me, aftr ive come it makes the penetration so sweet. I believe that God did nt put so much pleasure in the clit for nothing. Women lets tell the men the truth because we also have the right to enjoy sex.

  • That’s very hot!!!! Jux got a hard on when reading.

  • LOL…every woman has her turn on area.u just need to take your time to discover a woman’s body.a woman’s body is like a virgin island to be discovered…once a guy has it behind his mind that the partner’s orgasm is perultimate he would take his time.i feel excited and accomplished anytime i discover something new that ignites a woman’s wetness…many people are so enthused by the clit and boobs of a woman…there are more virgin territories to be discovered,if and only if we would be patient and explore!

  • Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…Lady Mango!I have been with a woman!And she was my first woman!Good Lord!Even months later,I’d get wet just remembering what her touch was like.She knew exactly how to touch,and where,and when…what to say…how to lick,tease..Ah,I think she got me from bi-curious to confirmed bi-sexual.

    Then this guy came around,and he had a way of telling me how beautiful I was…and the look in his eyes…priceless!But what he did to me,made me wonder just why men won’t listen to us…we know,yes we do!He asked,and I told hi,even showed him.Ah,he showed me heaven…bliss!!Oh,my pusssy has been eaten,and eaten well.I am so glad I am on that side of the scale.

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