Sex Toys, Massage Oils and ‘All Things Sweet’

I was so excited when my friend told me she was launching ‘All Things Sweet’ in Accra. ‘All Things Sweet’ is an indulgence boutique which stocks lingerie, scented candles, massage oils, sweet smelling soaps and what got me most excited…sex toys!!!

In a previous post, Ms A reviewed a sex shop that we had both visited in Accra, and my co-blogger Abena and I had done a tag post on a sex shop we had visited in Atlanta. Both sex shops lacked a certain aesthetic, which I think is important when you’re creating an ambiance in which women will feel comfortable purchasing sex toys.

The lovely lady behind ‘All Things Sweet’ allowed me to pick an indulgence item to review. I decided to pick the ‘Liv’ from the ‘Lelo’ range of toys. I picked the Liv because its different from all the other toys I own. Aesthetics are important to me and I was drawn to the look and feel of the ‘Liv’ – which is slim, a lovely navy blue and curved (which means its meant to hit your g spot). I’m not a fan of those 12-inch monsters which some sex shops stock!

The first time I used the ‘Liv’ I thought, ‘Mmm, its not all that…’ .I tried to use it as per the original design – as a g spot stimulator but I have to confess that this whole g spot stimulation thing doesn’t work for me. As far as I can remember (and my mind can be a bit of a sieve sometimes) I have only come thrice from penetrative sex where there was no stimulation of my clitoris. So I was BBM’ing with a friend later that evening and she suggested something that should have been soo obvious to me. ‘Why don’t you hold it against your clit?’ ‘D’uh’, I thought, and so I did…on two separate occasions and both times its been A – M – A – Z – I – N – G. Moral of the story – know what works for you.

The ‘Liv’ has about seven settings…I particularly like the third setting. You move from setting to setting by pressing the + button. The third setting for me feels like the right level of stimulation so you have to play about (pun intended) to find out what works for you.

If you’re interested in checking out what ‘All Things Sweet’ has to offer call +233 54 302 1910. At the moment visits are by appointments only as the boutique is yet to be opened to the public.

So I just had a random thought. Does everyone know how to masturbate? Common sense knowledge might scream ‘But of course!’ but somehow I don’t think so…so here are a couple of tips and my random thoughts on masturbation

Masturbation, self pleasure, touching yourself…

• Is the safest sort of sex there is
• Helps you learn how to pleasure yourself and in turn how to teach others to pleasure you
• Is good for your health! Helps relieve stress, helps you sleep, helps you avoid shagging any Kofi, Amina and Olu out there

Get into the mood by…

• Reading erotic fiction
• Having ‘cyber’ sex with your long distance partner or any partner who is not where you are at the moment of need
• Remembering the last great sexual encounter you had

Remember all good things need lots of practice so happy practicing!

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