New Year, New Adventures?

Wow! In a few days time it will be Adventures’s 2nd anniversary and what an exciting two years this has been. I have had so many positive experiences with Adventures –  which has included meeting new people, growing more confident in my own sexuality and writing for the likes of Dust Magazine and Dream Weddings. Its been a wonderful 2 year journey and I thank all of you for being on this journey with us. I especially want to thank all our contributors – those I know and those who are complete strangers to me.  I want to thank you for your honesty, your openness and your generosity in sharing your stories without fear. I also want to thank all my non-judgemental readers. When I started writing for this blog I thought I was going to get hate mail and I feel like I have had so far has been fan mail 🙂

So now that we’re entering our 3rd year its time for another round of feedback.

What do you like about Adventures? What would you like to see more of? What would you like to see less of? What do you think of the website? The website colours and design? Is the site easy to navigate?

All thoughts are welcome. In fact, your thoughts are more than welcome. They are needed so please comment

Happy New Year Folks

2 comments On New Year, New Adventures?

  • Happy Anniversary! This lounge you opened is useful.
    I like the fact that we respect each other here.
    When sensitive topics come up, we all seem to be on the same side. I would like to read more from unpopular opinions. That would present opportunities for us all to learn.
    Happy New Year to you too!

  • Heheheheh. Sometimes I wonder how we get such consensus on the blog. I do feel that in the past ‘we’ have ganged up on people who have expressed contrary opinions so those people either don’t comment anymore or read 🙂 I may be wrong though…So unpopular opinion pieces are welcome and will be considered for publishing…

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