The night is for rest
This night is for loving
Tender sweet wet loving
Squishy warm slush
Sticky glistening flush
Rest who?
I want to be taken
Taken and owned
Filled cupped tipped
The brim
This body has a mind of its own
And if you try
It just might be your friend
Tease it
Whip it into frenzy
But first be sure
Be sure you want to go
Down Heaven’s trail
Discover the warm nectar
By which angels swear by
And for which
Men wage wars
Rest who?
5 comments On Guest Contributor Nubian Beauty: “Dominatrix”
Beautiful poem! The title was misleading – I think she’s the sub.
A poem for the sabbath day?
Thank you Nnenna, the title was misleading on purpose.
First layer of the poem peeled
This is not just about cunninllngus……
‘Squishy warm slush
Sticky glistening flush’
These lines will probably ‘complete’ me any day. What can I say? I have a pretty active imagination.
Hahaha Nnenna! Take it and run with it
@Zeebu as if you knew!