One Billion Rising

I like the idea of an alternative valentine’s day…like many of you I believe we should show love every day, and not on one day that has become overly commercialised. At the same time I think its helpful to have a day where we are reminded to show love, and love can be shown in a variety of ways.

On previous valentine’s days I have done a variety of things…had a romantic dinner at home with my (now ex) hubby, gone for dinner with the bestie and exchanged gifts with her, thrown a single’s party with this same bestie…

This year I want to do something completely different. I want to encourage you to support the One Billion Rising campaign, a call to end rape and violence against women worldwide. I want to encourage you to do this by writing your stories of how YOU have survived violence…is there a poem that helped you when you were down…is there a book you read that helped you become whole again…is there an image that reminds you of the need to RISE. Write your stories of survival and share them with me via adventuresfrom[at] and I will post all the stories I receive on Valentine’s Day.

My friend Nana Nyarko of ‘The Gird Centre‘ and I are planning to organise a public reading at a later stage where we can share these stories of survival.

For more information on One Billion Rising and information on how to support the initiative please see below:

One Billion Rising



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