Please answer our poll on ‘Are you a person of faith’?

Logo: Adventures from the bedrooms of African Women

If you scroll down the main Adventures home page, on the right hand side you will come across our latest poll. We want to know if you are a person of faith. It will literally take you less than a minute to complete this poll so please do so…

Thank you.

2013-06-19 17.59.49-2

3 comments On Please answer our poll on ‘Are you a person of faith’?

  • There’s no option for ‘Kinda’. Also your photo already makes people like me think that African Traditional religions do not count in this survey.

    • @Nnenna, all types of faith count 🙂 Maybe people can use this post to specify their type of faith if any…I guess I think of ‘agnostic’ as ‘kinda’ or ‘sitting on the fence’

    • N, Bad photo choice, I agree…just used what we already had in the image library. I’m not a big fan of picking random images off Google. I prefer originals as much as possible which sometimes mean I just make do with an image

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