Buy ‘It Wasn’t Exactly Love’

When I initially came back from the 2012 Farafina writers workshop I wrote my first creative piece, ‘A short time…’ and I am especially happy to tell you all now that Farafina has published a collection of short stories by myself and a number of writers who took part in the 2012 workshop. All our stories are about sex, sexuality and relationships (not exactly love), and readers of this blog will absolutely want to get their hands on a copy of our book. The story I wrote is entitled ‘Ladies Night’, and here is a short extract:

Afua leaned back, resting her back on the windows as Fiifi started to kiss his way down her body whilst crouching down as far as he could go within the limited confines of the backseat of Afua’s Kia Picanto. He lingered on the curve of her belly, dipping his tongue in and out of her belly button whilst his fingers played with the curls of her pubic hair. Afua felt a familiar stickiness on her thighs. Fiifi’s hands tip tapped down Afua’s body skipping her public area, and just as she started to feel desperate for a more direct touch he scissored her legs and started sucking the wetness out of her body. She could feel her clit double in size, grow rigid, and started to mutter, “Fuck, shit, oh fuck, oh my goodness, that feels good, don’t stop”. That seemed to have the effect of inspiring Fiifi to work even harder. He inserted a finger in Afua and started circling her clit with his tongue. Afua’s could feel her stomach muscles tighten. “Faster, faster, faster” she said. “Please don’t stop”. She could feel her orgasm building as if from a distance and suddenly it was there. Her refrain of “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck” got louder and more urgent until she fell back on the seat sated.

For those of you in Nigeria the collection should be available in most bookstores or online via Konga

For everywhere else around the world I will update you as and when we get new stockists.

If you would like to review this book please let me know and I will arrange for you to have a free PDF copy (you will have to review the book and let me know where you can get this review published).

Thanks for the support.

Nana Darkoa

It Wasn't Exactly Love

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