Call For Adventures Live! Festival Volunteers

call for adventures live! festival volunteers

Adventures From the Bedrooms of African Women is looking for volunteers to help with the 2nd edition of the Adventures Live! Festival which will take place at the end of this year. 

The festival was started last year, December 2019, in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the creation of the Adventures blog. The festival aims to create a safe space that centres African women and non-binary people in conversations of sex, pleasure and intimacy. Through large panel discussions, small intimate conversations, art exhibitions and installations, practical workshops, and erotic literary activities, the festival intends to focus on re-centring sex and sensuality as a space for full self-expression, rejuvenation, healing, excitement and love.

Volunteering for the Adventures Live! Festival gives you a unique opportunity to improve your planning and organizational skills, expand your network and most importantly it allows you to significantly make concrete contributions to shaping positive attitudes about pleasure, intimacy, sex and sexuality globally. 

Volunteers will assist with festival logistics such as printing and delivery of festival materials, setting up on the day of the festival, participant registration, art exhibition and installation setup and organizing seating. Volunteers will also assist with travel and accommodation arrangements for guest speakers and other festival-related tasks.

Don’t miss this exceptional chance to be part of a movement that is revolutionizing ideas and practices of African sensuality and intimacy!

If you’re interested, please send us your CV and a short statement telling us why you would like to volunteer. Kindly email your application before 27th March 2020 to

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