You know what we were thinking? Everything looks so bleak around the world. There’s virulent homophobia in Ghana, basic human rights are being eroded in Nigeria, a volcano has blackened the sky in the jewel of the Caribbean…Oh, and we are still in the middle of a steaming hot global panini. It’s easy to feel powerless in the face of all this ugliness.
But that brings us back to what we were thinking: While we can’t control and redirect everything that’s going on in the wider world, we CAN (and will!) use our power to boost and amplify the beauty and color we otherwise overlook. We’re taking some time out to shroud ourselves in the glory of spoken word, positive affirmations, pleasurable pronouncements and to just breathe.

We’re inviting you to join us on this trip. We’re going to treat ourselves and each other with care. Bring a rhyme or a verse to share! (I did intend to rhyme, but when you’re good, you’re just freaking good.)

Gather your beloved.

A don’t forget your wine!

To register and get your space on the carpet, click this li’l link right here.