In 2021, Nana Darkoa and I were brainstorming over how we could expand the ways in which we use this platform to amplify the amazing voices and work of African women, feminists and activists.
“I know!” she said. “We should offer a fellowship.”
A fellowship, I said to myself. Cool, cool...That’s a great idea!
Meanwhile back at the ranch, I had never personally participated in a fellowship let alone had any idea of how to run one. (Don’t worry! All of the folks who’ve accepted this opportunity know this story. I only tell this for your elucidation.) Nevertheless, with the support of our incredible Adventures Staff and a fantastic first class, we pulled off a successful season and thought, why not see if we can catch lightning in a bottle one more time? A catch fire we did!
Let’s face it: The 760 days since the global pandemic started have presented our collective experience with manifold horrors. In that time, we have seen the best and worst of humanity at play. And while we may have temporarily retreated into our personal safe spaces, for those for whom resistance is a creed and the pursuit of justice (and pleasure!) is non-negotiable, the stage was being set for an audience eager to receive from creatives, thinkers, culture shifters… those artists whom Nina Simone said have a duty to reflect the times. After over 2 years of being told what to do and how to do it, and not always from power structures who had the masses best interest at heart, we felt it apropos to run this year’s Adventurous Fellowship under the theme: Your Creativity as Resistance.
With that, it is my pleasure to introduce you all to the class of 2022!

Kim is a Human Rights Defender and graduated from the University of Cape Town with a degree in Western Classical Music. Kim is the co-founder of FemmeProjects, an organisation that focuses on Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights. Kim is a consultant at the Sexual & Reproductive Justice Coalition and an admin of Abortion Support South Africa (ASSA). In their free time, Kim writes poetry for queer people under the pseudonym Blazing non-binary and has released 2 anthologies: ‘Resist The Paradox of Love and other Societal Disorders’ and Closet Conversations | a cause for chaos |. In 2018 they were part of the first cohort of fellows for the Outright Action International ‘s United Nation’s-programme. In 2019 Kim compiled and published a book of essays from Queer South Africans with NB Publishers titled ;’They Called Me Queer’, created supplementary resource tool-kits and workshops for Comprehensive Sexual Education in schools with FemmeProjects and coordinated the Global LBQ* Conference in Cape Town, South Africa. Kim was named one of South Africa’s top 40 under 30 creative people to watch by Between 10 and 5 and one of Mail & Guardian’s top 200 young people in 2019. In 2020, Kim was the presenter of ‘Sunday Sex Service with Kim’ and collaborated with Tiffany Mugo (Quirky Quick Guide to having Great Sex, 2020) on The Touch Experience: The project is a three-pronged collaboration that was released between June & October 2021. The project consists of: a book called Touch: Sex, Sexuality & Sensuality, published by NB-Publishers, a FREE resource on queer sex called ‘(How To) Touch Me, Properly’ both released during World Pride month in June 2021 and an exhibition called ‘Touch: The Fantasy’ exhibited in October 2021 at TMRW Art in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Billy Hani is a queer trans artist and activist based in Kenya. They use writing and photography to explore African queerness, sexuality, gender identity and expression, bodies and mental health. Billy works with and volunteers with different LGBTIQ organizations on matters advocacy and communication, and currently leads the Board of Directors of Q-Initiative Eldoret. They won the British High Commission Climate Changemakers Photography Competition in March 2021. Some their work has been published in FemInStyle Africa, The Continent, Minority Africa, The Kalahari Review and Salty World among others. They are currently co-curating and art therapy space (HeART Out) for LGBTIQ+ people, women and allies.

Ursula M. Abanga is a Ghanaian writer. She writes poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction. When she’s not reading, she’s looking for music she’s not yet heard, or watching anime.

“My favourite form of resistance is the unapologetic pursuit of joy, love and pleasure in everything I do.”
Kgothatso Motshele is an African queer woman who is passionate about empowering people through education and capacity building. She spends most of her time enhancing the user experience in the digital professional development and training space, particularly for students taking gender equity programs. She is an Economics graduate, a certified sex coach and BDSM practitioner, a writer, consultant and an organiser in the queer, kink and ethical non-monogamy communities.
Dear Adventures Fam, please join us in welcoming our new fellows! Support their work my commenting, liking, sharing and engaging in loving ways. And to all the wonderful people who applied this year, thank you for considering us worthy of the and effort you put into your applications. We honor you and value your work!
1 comments On The Defiant Ones: Introducing our 2022 Adventurous Fellowship Class!
Congratulations and Welcome