Join our Google Hangout: ‘Reconciling Sex with Our Faith’

Save the date people. Our very first Google hangout will take place this Friday, 17th January at 17:00 GMT. The topic for discussion will be ‘Reconciling sex with our faith’ and yes, that also includes ‘no faith’, all traditional religions…the conversation will be open and informal.

I will facilitate the conversation with our resource people being Malaka, Ekuba and Ekene who is new to the Adventures family and so I am particularly looking forward to hearing her thoughts, as well as those of our much loved regulars.

As soon as I figure out how to pre schedule the Google hangout (I was having difficulties when I tried earlier), I’ll post the link here. The hangout will also be live tweeted via @adventurefrom and the lovely folks @BloggingGhana have agreed to live tweet at all. Which just made me realise we need a short, snappy hashtag for twitter. How about #AdSex? Ad, short for Adventures clearly. What do you think?

Do you have nay questions that you would like answered on the hangout? Ask away in the comments below

Update 1: Join the Google hangout live here

Update 2: Watch the recording of the hangout by clicking here



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