BBM hook ups with some ‘girl on girl’ action: part 2

So by popular request I went back to GG and TG to ask if they had continued their explosive BB conversations, and they had. They sent me a long update which I have divided into 2 parts. If you haven’t read part 1 click here and if you just want to continue to part 2, well here you go:

GG: Missed you

TG: Missed you too. Are you asleep?

GG: No I am out and about. You?

TG: I’m out too. Tomorrow is a public holiday

TG: Ps: did you read Nanas Blog? =))

GG: I will tomorrow

GG: I want a kiss

TG: How would you like me to kiss you?

GG: Soft and slowly

GG: Nibble my lip and gently lick them

TG: Can I kiss you all over your body too?

GG: Slip your tongue into my mouth and then I will hold you firmly and kiss you back

GG: Of course

GG: Please do

TG: Do you have a name for your pussy?

TG: Mines Sugar 🙂

TG: I love her, she’s beautiful

TG: I would love you to play with her.

GG: I haven’t actually but I would love to meet Sugar

GG: Kiss her

GG: Lick her

GG: And if she likes suck on her deeply

TG: I’d love you to suck on her clit

TG: Make it swell

TG: Feel my clit swell in your mouth

GG: Mmmmm

GG: You taste so good I just want to lick and suck you for a long time, delicious

TG: Feel my juices in your mouth

TG: How can I make you happy?

GG: Hmmmm

GG: Lick my inner thigh slowly

GG: Holding me down

GG: Kissing me softly

TG: You moaning

GG: Calling out ur name

GG: Legs spread wide

GG: Hands in your hair

TG: Led spread wide and I lift them, while licking u

GG: Stroke my nipples$

TG: Rub ur nipples and mine…then suck on ur clit…softly gently

GG: You get me so wet

GG: Slide two fingers inside me and make me feel you

GG: I am licking and sucking your nipples

TG: Yesss let’s finger fuck…slide me in nice and deep

GG: Really getting acquainted with your breasts

TG: Lemme lift ur breasts and suck on ur nipples

GG: Massaging them tweaking your nipples

TG: While u feel on my pussy and I feel on urs

GG: Do it

GG: Hard

GG: Now

TG: Can we make our pussys touch

GG: Definitely angle your clit so it can rub against mine

GG: And

GG: Touch me

TG: finger fuck as our pussies touch

TG: Cmon now…fuck me good

TG: Kiss me deep



That’s the end of part 2….I already have part 3 so if there is popular request I will post it 🙂

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