Keys out of the ignition. A deep breath. A quietly whispered recommitment and solemn vow that nothing, absolutely nothing would happen between us now that I was here. 8 hours of nonstop driving had left the …
Author: Guest
Mema aban ntsi me dzin Mema mikotsi n’wu Don’t let the government hear of me Don’t let my penis die (Fanti traditional ruler’s words in pouring libation) The first plea to the gods and the ancestors …
Every wondered how two womxn truly f**k? Chances are it isn’t always what you think. Even though the internet space bombards us with all sorts of problematic porn, depicting strange, often impractical ways, that women are …
How does one tell their story of injustice in the face of corruption and a world where the rich and powerful get away with crime? How is a victim of child sexual abuse expected to just …
I like your small frame. I like your pert behind, The way your shape draws against the paint. You’re beauty’s kind. Maybe we can die in the nude. Dine and wind on a tune, sing a …
Here’s some background. I’m a few months shy of 42 years old, a mother of two – a 21-year-old-level-300 daughter and a 5-year old son with Down syndrome. I was raped by a friend which led …
The tears fell down. They fell down onto his bare torso. You see, I was on top of him, riding him like a horse in full gallop; my naked breasts jiggling to the rhythm I had …
we moved like we were dancing. hands on hips, hands on cheeks, hands on breasts a fistful of ass. we moved like the joining of our thighs played the sweetest music soft, sensual, lusty. each …
I love sex. I love all kinds of sex. From the slow, full, thorough thrusts with deep, exploring tongues inside wet hungry mouths to the fast, furious, clothes shredding, back scratching, pounding, punishing strokes which leave …
Whether we’ve copulated, intertwined, fucked or quite colloquially rolled in the sack, no matter the number of times, the act and its frequency simply do not translate into an automatic go-ahead to whoever whenever they want… …