[This is a two part post. To read part one please click here] After a two year stint without reading romance novels, I borrowed two paperbacks from a friend. I set aside reading time and eagerly …
Author: Guest
I love reading books. I have been reading since the age of four or five and I have been a book lover since. I’ve jokingly told family and friends that I gave my heart to books …
“No man is an island,” or so we’re told. And yet, something about couples, that two-for-one unit we humans are so wedded to… something about it lends itself to isolation. Once folks pair up, they have …
I retreated to the gym as the health conscious person I try to be. After my run on the treadmill, I realized that it would be important to do some arm workout. Ooops, the weights were …
Love is powerful. It is strong beyond belief. And it beats all reason. No wonder they said love is blind. Or as the Gas say it more evocatively, ‘Sunmo le agboku’: a crude literal translation renders …
I know folks are going to be irritated by this brazen claim. But it is a true story. I did discover feminism. In fact, I discovered feminism in a trotro a year ago. And it wasn’t …
I like flowers. They invoke feelings and thoughts of beauty and life; two aspects that wax and wane, not unlike the moon. I find floral prints quite charming but I’m pragmatic enough to acknowledge that too …
“I’d rather have no head than have a bad one.” I couldn’t believe my ears. Who was this man? In all my men dating history no man had ever uttered these words to me. “I love …
Eyes closed, swift shallow breaths, racing pulse. My body shuddered and I refused to move, allowing the pleasurable sensations to reverberate throughout my body – it felt good. He moved to withdraw from me then had …
I am what a lot of people call bisexual, or am I?. I am eldest of three sisters and I have a big brother who is 6yrs older than me. Grew up such a loner, thought …