She broke up with Romeo after six sexual dates. Maybe he shouldn’t have introduced the idea of having their love making on tape, but he thought it was cool because he also gave in to keeping …
Category: Series
“Will you be with me? ” “What?” “If I walk out, do I have your word of honour? Your devotion?” I couldn’t believe he was asking me to tell him to break his engagement “I am …
Recap of first installment I smiled to myself. How long will Kwame and I skirt each other’s emotions? Then I remembered, he is after all engaged. Was I going to let that stop me? Do you …
A month. It took Pomaa four full weeks to decide what she was going to say to Akoto when she got to Accra and to gather up the courage to say it. However, now that she …
The headlines were dominated by coverage of Pomaa’s assault for weeks. What is your connection to this madman? Why did he refer to you as ‘Marie’? Are you in some way involved with the man who …
These platform pumps were absolutely killing her, but they made her legs look great. Pomaa spackled fake smiles on her face to mask the wince hiding just beneath her lips. Flat shoes did not look nearly …
Three hundred guests. Uncle Ekow wanted three hundred guests to attend the ground breaking of the new park. “And the whole media should be there,” he prattled excitedly. “Make sure to invite all the paramount and …
*Click* That single, hollow sound ended all discourse and completed their argument. It sobered her, centering her senses completely. Akoto had locked the door behind him and left Pomaa staring at the empty gulf that stood …
Akoto had an unexplainable fear of heights; specifically mountainous heights. No, he couldn’t tell Pomaa what the genesis of this fear was. He just knew he lived in constant fear that he would be hurled off …
“Sss! Ssssss! Taxi! Hei! Taxi!!!” “Frema, what are you doing? We need to run!” Frema cursed as the taxi driver shot them a skeptical glance and drove off, honking his horn in hopes of attracting less …