I’m a Ghanaian woman, hybrid as I may be, but Ghanaian none-the-less. I have done everything a Ghanaian child of my gender was meant to do: I got good (or decent) grades in school. I never …
Blog Posts
For him religion was not affected. It was not dirty, or suspicious, or pure, or sacred. It simply was what he enjoyed, and so he did it as he wished, and often and as deeply as …
I received the following email from a fellow Adventurer who is anguishing over the dearth of good, quality, bi-sexual companionship. This one is a doozie, but if you have any advice for this our sister (she …
When Guggisberg set up a committee of educationists to propose a way forward for education in the Gold Coast, the issue of education for girls generated a lot of controversy. And even among those who agreed …
My friends and I have been talking about ‘selfies’, and discussing whether they play into mainstream pornographic framing of what sexiness is. Or whether selfies can be a radical act of portraying bodies that are usually …
There is something that happens to you when life doesn’t work out the way you plan it. This thing it lives and breathes in your head and your guts, twisting about this way and that, warping …
People nowadays seem to be getting all in a tizzy about the increasing number of people getting divorced. Well I think divorce is a good thing. If a marriage is no longer working why stay in …
We are used to thinking of love letters as very private things. After all, it’s the expression of one person’s love (an emotional and, therefore, a subjective state) to another. But can love letters also tell …
When Nana at ‘Adventures’ contacted me and asked if I’d review a self-help book written in a novel way about sex before marriage and spirituality, I instantly agreed. As an avid fan of self-help books and …
Sharing the call to action below in solidarity with the Carribean Feminist Network. I will urge you all to consider signing on to the call to action via the CODE RED for gender justice site The …