Miguel clasped his palms around the mug of hot tea and cast a furtive glance towards the kitchen. Jasmine was bending over the stove, delicately pulling out a tray of sweet rolls she had kneaded and …
Blog Posts
Dear Adventurers: Fate and her seven breasted sister, Fortune, have smiled upon me and have provided a most marvelous surprise. I’m coming home for my first book reading in Accra in one week! *Yay! Backflips! Cue …
Love is powerful. It is strong beyond belief. And it beats all reason. No wonder they said love is blind. Or as the Gas say it more evocatively, ‘Sunmo le agboku’: a crude literal translation renders …
Jack wrote: hi Nana. Got some problem that i would like to seek your help and the blog readers help though mask my identity. So am 20 n my problem is in approaching women for relationships. …
I know folks are going to be irritated by this brazen claim. But it is a true story. I did discover feminism. In fact, I discovered feminism in a trotro a year ago. And it wasn’t …
I was trawling through the entertainment pages of a Ghanaian online news source and saw an interesting headline. I love when a woman slaps me – Captain Planet Ei. Why? I read on. Not to …
I like flowers. They invoke feelings and thoughts of beauty and life; two aspects that wax and wane, not unlike the moon. I find floral prints quite charming but I’m pragmatic enough to acknowledge that too …
“I’d rather have no head than have a bad one.” I couldn’t believe my ears. Who was this man? In all my men dating history no man had ever uttered these words to me. “I love …
Yaw rushed to call the traditional birth attendants who quickly moved me into our bedroom and laid me on a mat with a big basin of water and cloth beside me. They put the towel on …
On Monday evening, Malaka and I participated in a Google Hangout with members of the Sankofa Yale Undergraduate Association for African Peace and Development (YAAPD). In spite of the technical difficulties ( a really annoying echo …