I love you in a way that teaches me new things about love every time we commune together. The universe is our pharmacist, serving us doses of each other, just when we need it. Isn’t it …
Tag: african women
Kissing your lips the edge of your chin the pulse in your neck the curve of your collarbone the tip of your nipple Tracing with my tongue nipple to other nipple circles & swirls Teasing with …
Written by Shirley Part Two (2) Wodaabe Courtship Men and Beauty Standards Among the Wodaabe of Niger (a tribe I have encountered much during my research due to their uncommon beauty standards), similar to the Bodi …
Written by Shirley Sozinha Part One (1) At a time where gender roles are being questioned, reinvented, contorted some would even say, the idea of patriarchy is becoming a tight rope that parts of society will …
To strap, or not to strap, that is the question. That’s the concept we shall be exploring in this essay. Someone raised a concern about a pattern she’d noticed among Ghanaian LBQ women. Apparently, many of …
Written by Naomi Having men who were attracted to me has never been a big deal. I mean, if it were a matter of quantity, I would probably be in a relationship with all the men …
Written by Fu “Are you ready?” she one-kneed herself across the edge of the bed and signalled me to move to her. We knelt at eye level for a while, her eyes never leaving my face …
Written by Mide Olabanji I know we all like to say “all the five love languages are mine”, and I honestly get it. There are all heartwarming and love-strengthening gestures, but you have to admit it …
Written by Amanda Tayte-Tait TW: Rape & Sex After Sexual Trauma “There is nothing worse than an action that taints your life the way rape does. Always in the back of your mind, the root of …
This essay is hypothetical, but the possibilities it presents could become reality if we don’t take care. What would happen if anti-abortion advocates had their way and abortion was illegal everywhere? Roe v Wade was overturned, …