I Miss Fucking You

Kissing your lips

the edge of your chin

the pulse in your neck

the curve of your collarbone

the tip of your nipple

Tracing with my tongue

nipple to other nipple

circles & swirls

Teasing with my fingers

(Your naked body is so beautiful, I’ll always remember the first time we were naked together)

I want endless time to explore the inside of your pussy,

with my tongue, my fingers,

feel the textures

find all your pleasure points

Commit to memory

what makes you scream

what makes you start to shake

what makes you melt into pussy juice

what makes your eyes roll back in numbing pleasure

what makes you ask for more

(I’d draw a mental map of all these places and make a game of how many paths to orgasm I can take you on)

(I love that sex with you is at our own pace. It’s hard to be a late in life future-lesbian. Impostor syndrome on steroids. Very few examples to go by, even fewer people to openly talk about it with. With you, I have none of that. Feels like me & you and nothing else exists. Like that day in your apartment. It was gloriously orgasmic)

Back to endless sex with you

Perhaps outdoors next time

Closer to you, I’m overdue some new memories

in places I loved once

Maybe by the lake, under a full moon

You are laid out on your back


(your naked body is so fucking beautiful)

Nipples pointing up, pointy AF because it’s breezy 

& you are alive with pleasure

I can feel the energy vibrating from you

Your breathing is deep and happy

I’m dying to touch you, but somehow

Watching you feels like the only thing I 

need to be doing in this moment

You are bathing in my adoration

You can feel it flow freely through me

It makes you hornier, makes you more 


Now I want to touch you

I want to consume you, I want all of you

In my hands, in my mouth, in all of my 


In my mind, I take out the map I made earlier

Alice in wonderland, I’m Alice

Your body is my wonderland

(choose your adventure)

I start with two fingers in your pussy

Finger fuck you lightly, 

Curl my fingers slowly, 

I’m watching you and it’s glorious 

You are so beautiful

I love to make you feel good

I want to kiss your lips and your nipples

I can’t choose

So, how about I put my fingers in your mouth

Taste yourself, as i lick your nipples that you know I love

Lick, bite, fill my mouth with your whole entire breast

Put my fingers back inside you

Let them walk to all the places I can reach

I won’t rub your clit just yet

But I’ll tease you about it,

Imagine I am a tsunami of pleasure &

you are caught in it

Caught in me

All your parts (my favourite of your parts)

are stimulated all at once

(lips, neck, breasts, nipples, clit, 

inside of your pussy)

Inside the tsunami is me – my mouth, my

hands, all of my body


I want to do a photoshoot with you

We don’t show your face

Just parts of your body

How I see you

How you receive pleasure

How different parts of you respond to

different kinds of sexual stimuli

Your breasts & nipples,

I’d love to bring to life my fascination with them

Your curves, so…

feminine (also glorious, divine)

Your arms so soft, feels so cute when you 

wrap around me

I’d want to photograph our love & lust

Our mutual discovery of our gayness

How in love I am with being able to 

please you

You need to see yourself how I see you

(& then we must show the world.

I can see it already, 

an epic art installation…)


I love that I’m your first, (adds some perspective 

to the fear that you feel)

I’m honoured

We deserve epic firsts

Firsts are forever

I’d love to take you to this place

By the lake, under the full moon,

lots of acacia trees & sometimes hippos

I’d love to fuck you outdoors, endlessly

I’d love for you to explore my body too

Make this first count (I’m nervous too)

I have no built-in ideas about what

lesbian love & lesbian sex should 

look like,

So let’s find out together

(I’m not even a total lesbian)

(I’m weak for the dick)



(your girlfriend)

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