I feel- Stuck. Low. Lil sad. Dash of self pity. Hopelessness trying to creep in. (no, you can’t come) Bored. Foggy. Fuzzy. Ready for a big, fat cozy bed. I miss some people Lover-friends mostly 21, …
Tag: african women
Here’s the thing: polar hierarchies in sex don’t interest me. At all. I find nothing remotely desirable about being dominated or dominating someone else, mimicking rape or coercion, being hit or whipped. It’s not because I …
I’ve never been the outgoing type since the incident at college but this girl had me considering otherwise. She picked out one club on 3rd street downtown “The Twist”. Every Friday she’d pick me up from …
Many times I’m the one at the center of love.. Triangles, rectangles, hexagons… all the shapes i.e. i like someone in the room And someone else in the room likes me And oh! Who’s that newbie? …
I agreed to go spend the Christmas holiday at my boyfriend’s family house because I spoke with his mum and she called me daughter-in-law. Over the phone, my boyfriend told me, ” Babe, you know, my …
The Sex Lives of African Women by Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah is a bold, exceptional and well-curated book about…wait for it…the sex lives of African women within and outside the continent. I say bold because we do …
I grew up in a devout Christian family with strong cultural backgrounds as well. My mother and aunts always lectured me about what a good woman should and should not do. It was about how I …
Social Media Fellowship Adventures From The Bedrooms of African Women is still receiving applications for the 2022 Adventurous Social Media, Writing and Visual Arts (SWV) Fellowship Program. The aim of these fellowships is to seek out, support …
Part One: HOW TO MAKE A PORTIONPlaylist: I Get Lifted- Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa “It’s witching time!” Open your doors and windowsLet the air flow freely through the entirety of your sacred spaceLight a candle and …
A few weeks ago, I shared on Twitter about how Valentine’s Day brings hard feelings for me as a queer person living in a homophobic country because the threat of danger and violence just looms over …