Nana Darkoa on Viasat 1, Mon 19th October at 9am

About 10 days ago I was at the Viasat 1 Studios for ‘The One Show’ hosted by the lovely Jocelyn Dumas. If you live in Ghana you can catch the re-run tomorrow morning at 9am on terrestrial TV.

Guess what her first question to me was?

9 comments On Nana Darkoa on Viasat 1, Mon 19th October at 9am

  • Since I’ve never seen her show, I’ll go with a safe guess: “How are you?”
    Read good reviews of her show and the set. I’ll wait for details of your discussion.

  • You was great! I watched it all.

  • How many times do u have sex!!so how come u didn’t answer,really wanted 2 know &that was an apt question!But hey u did great,really enjoyed ur interview:it was interactive,vivacious &very interesting.Ur sisters designs too are off the hook!and the pictures too were classic,loved it.Just wanna know if ur locks are real cos they rock!?And hey u have got lots of boobs(oops)!just saying what I saw!In all u were great!

  • I saw her once in real life on a flight to Ghana. I tot she was very nice,sweet and hot someone I could spend the rest of my life with but I did not speak to her wanted to but didnt dont know why so that chance is gone forever who knows what could have come out of it. As Ghana is a small place I am sure I will end up running into her again. But the hair was nice.

  • …so how often do u hav sex?lol

  • Nana;
    I watched you on the show today. You were great, confident and simple. Only disappointed that you were divorced. My kind of woman is the one who stands up to the challenges of our time and society and do not wait to be told what to do. We were all born individually but marry to contribute our strengths in compliment of each other. Somebody did not see right and allowed you to go [that is assuming the final call for quits did not come from you]. Bravo!
    Please note two things;
    1. Your name was spelt wrongly on the show
    2. Today is Tuesday 18th October

    Nana I am a guy by the way and I am glad you have this blog for women. Bravo to all the women who read this blog.

  • Forgive meoooo! I also slipped. Today is Tuesday 19th October and not Monday. Thanks

  • @Mike – Good guess but not the right one. Her opening gambit was ‘So how many times a week do you have sex?’. I had to laugh! That definitely came from left field

    @Graham – Many Thanks! I also saw the alert you sent to our fellow ‘Ghana Bloggers’ which i appreciated.

    @Benny – How come I didn’t answer? I don’t think ‘Adventures’ is about my personal sex life…yes I am strongly associated with the blog but I don’t want it to be about ‘look what Nana Darkoa gets up to’. Yes I do share personal experiences in the interest of getting others to share or to illustrate a point but I think the number of times I have sex a week is fairly irrelevant – at least to a TV interview (saying that, I do reserve the right to change my mind and blog about the number of times a week i do or do not have sex:) )Yes my locs are real and thanks for all the compliments

    @Q – Lol! Awww, I shall pass your message to her. She finds flights so boring (plus has a teeny weeny fear of flying) so has always wanted to bump into a good looking, interesting guy to take her mind off the flight so who knows – you could have been her happily ever after. 🙂

    @eric – See my response to benny above

    @Lateniba – Oh don’t be disappointed that I’m divorced. I’m not disappointed at all…in fact I am glad I have been through the various stages of single, married, divorced, its complicated, etc. Yes, sadly my name was mis -spelt on the show, VIASAT 1 have apologized for the error…and for that reason I am extra impressed with all the people who were not aware of the blog but watched the show and found the blog, especially as the name or url of the blog was NEVER mentioned during the show. It was only when I left the studio that I realised I had never mentioned the blog name or url…

  • Nana!
    Watched you on the show, and searched for the blog (and yes, it was strange that the name of the blog wasn’t mentioned….) and after browsing many unrelated “Rawlings related” articles”….here i am! You have me laughing out loud from the home page!
    I think your blog is fab, and look forward to dropping my own two-cents once in a while.
    You were great on the one show, and you totally owned it! (Almost outshone Miss Thang herself – but that is another story!) Have you ever thought of having your own talk show or tv/radio programme? Cos you know all about being engaging, eloquent, vibrant entertaining!

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