BBM hook ups with some ‘girl on girl’ action: part 3

So by popular request here is the concluding part of the BBM convo that I was sent a while ago. Part 1 can be accessed here and part 2, here


GG: I have my head buried in your neck sucking on your neck

TG: Where ur fingers? In me?

TG: How many fingers?

GG: Oh I am holding your arms over your head with one hand while I’m licking your belly and finger fucking you

GG: You’ve got 3 in you and you are so wet I am getting ready to add a fourth

GG: My thumb is playing with your tight cute anus

GG: Sending shivers through your body

TG: Fist me…cmon try it

TG: Almost there not quite

TG: I am out in the club and I need my pussy eaten

TG: Where ur booty at?

GG: I am kissing you hungrily while giving you my fist my other hand is pulling on your hair

GG: I want you to come first

GG: Hard all over my fingers and mouth

TG: I nah cum that’s easy

TG: Where ur other fingers at?

TG: Fast

TG: Hard

TG: Quick

GG: My other fingers are in your mouth

GG: Exploring your body

GG: Massaging your breasts

GG: Bringing you to me

TG: Come babey

GG: Any minute

TG: Me too. Where r u?

GG: Home now lying in bed

GG: Enjoying you

TG: Read our convo from the top and touch yourself

GG: What I would give to have you in Ghana even just for a night

GG: You are too sexy

TG: I am going to make that happen!

GG: Make it happen 🙂

TG: I will babey. You tucked in?

GG: I passed out…can’t take me alcohol lol

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