Some of you saw a sneak peak of the new ‘Adventures’ website when it went up for a couple of hours over the weekend. This website is radically different from what we have had to date. For a start it a very visual site. Over the years this has been one of the requests I have heard over and over again from readers of Adventures. “You need to put some images on the site”. I have struggled with this for many reasons. The main one being that I would prefer for ‘Adventures’ to only use original photographs, in the same way that we (almost) only use original content. As you can see I have decided to work within these challenges and for this site a few photographer friends have generously allowed us to use their images, and we have purchased a few stock images. In future I will organise some ‘Adventure photo shoots’ so we have a library of images which truly represent our diversity. In this post I decided to lead with this picture of a beautiful African woman which is my favourite image on the new Adventures site right now.
The new website will not please everyone. When I sent out the demo link to selected contributors, readers and friends I found that the majority of people loved the site, a good number of people gave critical feedback which we implemented. Some of the feedback will be implemented in the next couple of days as the site goes live, especially invaluable feedback we received about how to make this site accessible for the visually challenged…the wonderful team at Web4Africa who have been working on this site for probably a year now assures me that we need to go live at some point in time 🙂 so that we can see more bugs and fix them. Thank you Web4Africa for the sponsorship, technical support and patience.
Thank you contributors and readers for sticking with us. Thank you Malaka for kicking off this whole redesign process.
So let us know. What do you think of the new site?
10 comments On New ‘Adventures from’ site will go live in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…
I am digging that this woman has stretchmarks! (Ahem. Like me.)
You know what I think of the site but just in case, it is very lovely. Well done. I think images are crucial to a site like this.
I too love the stretch marks on her her hips. That’s true life art! 🙂 Thank you to all the folks at web4Africa and all the persons who gave their feedback. I’m so giddy right now I could bust.
OMG! Nice one…all the way from Lagos.
I like the fact that she’s got folds just like me!I definitely can identify wit her,it makes it soo believable.
Well done guys!
This is great! Kudos to everyone who contributed to the revamp.
I am a fan of visually driven content and look forward to more. Love this model, she’s so real!
OMG! Love the fact her ass is bubbly like mine. Nice photo.
Site fine paaa, e make like the content….
@Nnenna – Thanks so much. I really appreciated all the feedback you gave in the demo state
@Malaka – What can I say? You got this re-design going…
@2plus2 – Thank you. All the way from Accra…
@Abena – Thanks Abena. We’ll aim to have a lot of believable visuals
@Saffron – Kudos for your contributions
@Myne – Thanks so much for the support Myne. Much appreciated
@Jamez – Bubbly huh? 🙂 Thanks
@Kofi – We give thanks
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