‘The Sexual Shenanigans of Ghanaians’ published on TIA…

“Sex in the world’s most religious country occurs in a context where in the ‘public’ domain conversations about sex are largely conservative, yet in the private sphere anything goes down. I have come across groups of young men watching pornography, yet no one openly acknowledges homoeroticism.”

Some of my thoughts on ‘The Sexual Shenanigans of Ghanaians, the most Religious People in the World

My fellow Ghanaians do you agree with me? Are we just hypocrites where sex is concerned? My fellow Africans what is the situation where sex and religion is concerned in your country? I will love to know your thoughts via the TIA site

2013-06-19 17.59.49-2

5 comments On ‘The Sexual Shenanigans of Ghanaians’ published on TIA…

  • have commented! Nana I LOVE reading your articles on these issues (like general issues on society) & I may sound like a broken record but I really think you & Malaka should write a non-fictional book called Adventures from the Bedrooms … where you discuss these your opinions on sex in the African society, maybe research & find out some facts about sex in the African society & add some stories of women you interview (with their names disguised). I’ve googled & searched my library but to date, i can’t find any book that discusses the sex lives of African women TODAY. I think such a book would be groundbreaking & sell like hotcakes! Think about it! I could be your producer lol (or if you don’t do it, I’ll steal the idea & write a similar book with another title! yooooo! hahaha)

    • @Ekuba, thank you so much for this article, and yes o, I know I am guilty of not blogging as much for Adventures. In the early days I had no choice but to blog because guest contributions only came occasionally, and now sometimes I have a backlog of posts to put up. Right now I have a very compelling personal story, a creative non-fiction piece, and a reader query that I need to upload. And sometimes I need to edit the pieces, not very often, a lot of the time I will read the piece and think ‘yeah, this works just as it is, it doesn’t need to be all 100% perfect and ish’, but I have to confess that is also part of my own laziness, I am not really the best editor in the world, its something I feel so lazy to do. So I am enjoying my new role as ‘Curator’. Don’t you just love that title? It makes me sound all fancy and ish. But I do want to blog some more for Adventures, and its nice to know my voice is being missed so I will do so. The other advantage with blogging for other sites like the Mail and the Guardian in South Africa, and the TIA piece is that it brings new traffic to Adventures, and even more possibilities. On the day that the piece in the VOA for M&G was published Adventures had over 3,000 visitors to the site (a good average is 1000 a day) and on the following day 2,000. Plus a German journalist based in SA who read the piece contacted me for an interview which will be published in an online German site…who knows some African women in Germany might read it and join our community right?

      The Adventures book will come o. It will surely come. I am trying to balance writing with my full time job and my business. I am currently working on a collection of short stories about African women and sexuality so that’s the priority right now, and after that I will tackle the Adventures book. I have been thinking about what type of book should it be? A collection of essays from various contributors which a small team including Malaka and I edit? Should it be a coffee table book with short stories and excerpts, or should it be a book like what you have described. That sounds the most interesting but will also the most costly and will need a committed publisher who will pay me to do this. Research also takes time and money, so yes I am absolutely happy to have you be the producer 🙂

      • Awww, see I didn’t know you had a book coming up! ok, I understand why you’ve not been able to blog a lot lately& I think you’re doing a great job on all the websites.

  • PS: @ Nana Darkoa: i miss finding such articles of yours on Adventures. You used to write a lot of articles about such stuff (general issues) in the early days of adventures & I know you still do but they’re not a lot. Can you start writing a lot on general issues & putting in up here? I learn so much from them & really enjoy them. I especially liked your article on virginity (the one where you put up the virgin power picture that nana acquah took)

  • I absolutely loved reading this article, insightful and refreshingly honest! I have been having an issue with our own ppl in Somalia who have a similar attitude, anything goes as long as it is not spoken out loud! It seems it is not only Ghana but a continent-wide phenomena. Thanks for writing about this important subject and sharing!

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