Uganda: Nana Darkoa at Writivism 2015

I am super excited to be heading to Uganda early next week to participate in the 2015 edition of Writivism as one of the festival’s guests. I have been fortunate enough to receive a travel grant from the Prince Claus Fund and by the 16th of June I will be in Kampala, Uganda with so many talented writers including some of my faves: Zukisiwa Wanner, Tsitsi Dangarembga, Doreen Baingana and Paula Akugizibwe. I am also really looking forward to meeting Chika Unigwe.


So I am sure by now you are wondering where is the sex in this post? It will be in Uganda! At least in conversation form 🙂 My good friend Paula Akugizibwe and I will be talking about all things ‘Adventures’, sex and sexualities on Wednesday 17th June, at the world renowned Makerere University at 8pm. My people I will be at a hallowed university talking about sex. My Ugandan family: you know you need to be there right? Kenyans, you’re only an hour away by plane and a couple of hours away by bus. Same goes for Rwanda, South Sudan…

Writivism 1

Needless to say I need all your support. Apart from the sexy convo Paula and I will be holding, we shall both teach a masterclass in writing about ‘social justice’ issues, and on the final day of the festival I will be taking part in a panel discussion on African erotica and romance. So if you have ever wanted to hang out with me, this is where you need to be.

Check out Writivism’s Facebook page, website, blog and Twitter for more details and ticket prices.

10 comments On Uganda: Nana Darkoa at Writivism 2015

  • Congratulations Nana!
    Would have been awesome to view some of the sessions live via Hangouts for those of us who can’t be there..any links for that?

    All the best!

  • We shall live-tweet the event. Follow @Writivism on Twitter.

  • Hey Maame!

    We may not have Hangouts (we shall try) but you can definitely follow everything on social media, using hashtag #Writivism2015 When Nana and Paula start the session, there will be one of us in the room keeping you all updated.

  • How am so like jealous and want to be there….will follow you twitter.

  • Looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun. Enjoy. Will be tuning in via twitter.

  • Yes ooo! If you’ve ever wanted to hang out with Nana Darkoa, take the opportunity! It’ll be one of the events you look back and tell your grand kids about with a far away look in your eye. 🙂

    Def will be following on twirra!

  • @Maame – thank you so much. I see the Writivism folks have responded to the issue of hangouts 🙂 I think Twitter will be the best bet for live updates.

    Also Idza Hadassah published what I thought was a really great post about myself and Adventures on the Writivism website. (see )

    She also said this:

    “…This is evident even on Nana’s blog, where most of the people who leave comments and engage in discussions are men. This is perhaps a clear reflection of how things really are and how far we have to go in terms of changing the perception that people have towards African female sexualities.”.

    I would like to know your thoughts on the following questions.

    Women – do you feel men are taking up too much space on Adventures?

    Men – Do you feel you are taking too much space on Adventures.

    How about those who identify as gender fluid? Do weigh in.

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