Top 10 most read posts on Adventures in 2020

Illustration by HOLAA and Adventures created by Francis Brown

Between January and March of this year we had an average of 26,000 people visit the Adventures site. During this period a significant number of folks read our posts about sex and relationship goals, with a number of guest contributors sharing their own goals for the year. Even though stories about a mystery virus in Wuhan was already in the news, none of us could predict the ways in which COVID-19 would go on to spread across the world, and directly impact our ability to have sex.  In my albeit biased opinion, single people in particular have been affected by the virus because of the need to stay away from people who live outside of our households. From April there was a sharp drop in traffic to the site with half the usual number of visitors. It’s hardly surprising that the most popular posts for the rest of the year was around the impact of COVID-19 on sex and relationships. It’s been an interesting exercise to look back at the top 10 most read articles this year.

  1. The sex I want in 2020 by Pepper
  2. My sex and relationship goals for 2020 by Nana Darkoa
  3. Getting your groove on in the time of corona viruses by Nana Darkoa
  4. Help me and let me help you by True Kumasi
  5. Love and sex in the time of coronaviruses by Nana Darkoa
  6. Don’t complicate threesomes by Jessica
  7. Embracing my asexual identity by Fatima
  8. Adventures in the Iced Lands: Exploring 2020 sex goals by Jessica
  9. Sex Drought by Guest
  10. We finally agreed that our relationship wasn’t sustainable by Malaka

3 of the top 10 posts were directly about sex and relationship goals, and another 3 were around intimacy/the lack of sexual intimacy during an era of coronaviruses. Posts about threesomes tend to perform well, and so it was no surprise to me to see Jessica’s post in our top 10. Posts about a lack of sex and difficulties in relationships also tends to resonate, and I think that also reflects a reality for so many of us. One of the posts that I felt particularly happy to have in the top 10 was Fatima’s post on asexuality mainly because we have never published a story about this topic before and I think it is super important that a blog about sex speaks to the full spectrum of peoples sexualities. So there you have it, the top 10 most read posts on Adventures this year. As we head towards 2021 what would you like us to blog more about? For the past two years I’ve written about my sex and relationship goals but I don’t know if I want to do that next year. Thoughts? Let us know more about the kind of content you want from the Adventures team in 2021 and beyond.

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