Two minutes into my garden salad and glass of cranberry juice, I start feeling the itch on my thigh. Sigh, why are stretch marks this difficult to deal with?! I had tried some sesame oil and it seemed to be working. The tiger stripes looked less harsh and smoother than usual. And there was also that rhythmic clapping of my bum as he slapped against my backside with his crotch. Ooh, how I missed him. To think of the fact that he was just a matter of minutes away. I had been on this cranberry business for days and it seemed to improve my urinary tract infection. It actually did clear up as I slowly realized that my pee no longer had that cloudy look or heavy smell. In addition I no longer felt the constant need to go to the bathroom or the sting that came with peeing. I was ready to see him again. I had cussed him out for continually eating me out wrongly and making me more than twice as susceptible as ever to these urinary infections. Here is my labia minors. It protects my urethral opening and keeps me moist; in plain language, it is where my pee comes from. If any harmful bacteria gets in there, it causes problems; the likes of urinary tract infections. You may play around my Labia majors and my vulvar. You may concentrate on pleasing my clitoris and the core of me; you may cuss me out too on grazing my teeth on the junior you. I’m sorry I do that. I don’t know why though, but I thought you liked it. You could’ve told me the tip of your penis was the end it all spot for you. You could’ve also told me you liked it when I tickled your balls and loosely sucked on the bags. What can we do? Wanna have a chat? Wanna tell me all the things I do wrong that you can make right? Wanna teach me how? I’d love to learn and I could show you as well.

3 comments On ‘Cranberry Juice’ by Guest Contributor Efua
So nobody’s gonna say anything, huh? About the UTI and the penis nibbles? Ok! Me too, I’ll be silent.
Hahahaha. I used to think there was no wrong way to eat someone out but clearly there is! Wow, the oral gave you a UTI? That’s all kinds of hectic…rhthyimic clapping penis against buttocks was very evocative and is a particular favourite of mine 🙂
OK Malaka you can talk now 😛