I grew up knowing public affection as holding hands, short hugs and then later pecks on the cheek.
And when in a high density location or a rural area, these are things the general public do not expect to see. It makes the community question your morals, your background and it is far worse for the woman involved.
Labeling occurs, they will think you are loose , a bad influence on young girls in the community. At times older women may approach you to show their disapproval or to let you know some things like kisses and touching belong behind closed doors because they are private.
I was afraid of labelling, I was afraid of what people would think of me. I was afraid…
Now I’m at a point in my life where regardless of where I am,day or night, I like to inhale his scent.
I crave his touch,
I enjoy the feel of his lips on mine,
I love to feel his hard on pressing against me,
and yes, that sting of slap/spank/tight ass grab…
It makes me smile.
It makes me feel sexy, naughty, desirable.
It makes me feel surprisingly confident too.
At times, I get so wet, I walk the rest of the way , with juices dripping down my panties…
I don’t care anymore.

3 comments On ‘Love in public spaces’ by Guest Contributor Wolverine
in the villages we try to protect our dignity as much as possible, but in the city we don’t care much because most people you meet are strangers who do not care about how you live your life.
PDA all day, Aunty!!!
I miss you!! ????
My Queen and I get so turned on having sex in public. Although we do so in places where only a few can see. We both get turned on when we have someone film us. There is nothing better than making your own porn!