My vagina needed a context of other vaginas – a community, a culture of vaginas. There’s so much darkness and secrecy surrounding them – like the Bermunda Triangle…. Paraphrased from the Vagina monologues I …
Author: Guest
Two minutes into my garden salad and glass of cranberry juice, I start feeling the itch on my thigh. Sigh, why are stretch marks this difficult to deal with?! I had tried some sesame oil and …
Read ‘What I want you to do to me’ by Nana Darkoa here, Wolverine’s contribution here and D’s contribution here What do you want your lover to do to you? Tell us via adventuresfrom [at] gmail …
Now therefore, while the youthful hue Sits on thy skin like morning dew, Let us roll all our strength, and all Our sweetness, up into one ball; And tear our pleasures with rough strife I accepted …
This submission is in response to the call for stories of surviving violence as part of the global campaign, 16 Days of activism against gender based violence. Submit your stories via adventuresfrom[at]gmail dot com I …
Read ‘What I want you to do to me’ by Nana Darkoa here, and Wolverine’s contribution here. What do you want your lover to do to you? Tell us via adventuresfrom [at] gmail dot com and …
So you are with someone who totally digs you, Who has that mental stimulation you crave in a partner, Who makes you feel like you are royalty each time. So you are with someone whose company …
The red notifications on facebook are a cross between intrigue and despair. Most of the time they’re useless updates or someone inviting me to play candy crush. I’m forever removing myself from update notifications. So when …
Wolverine sent me her response to my post of yesterday, ‘What I want you to do to me’, and I thought, what a great idea. How about we make this a bit of a thing. Think …
It’s been four years since I was diagnosed HIV positive. Everything came to a standstill, I felt lost , hurt and angry. He had cheated on me over and over again, but I chose to turn …