A good and wise friend of mine – whose sexual history is far more exciting and expansive than mine will ever be – one told me that when a woman is questioned about her body count, …
Blog Posts
My head is resting on a brick wall and I am standing in front of her. I indeed need support to hold my body up because I am using all my effort to stop trembling. We …
As African women, we devote a good portion of our day thinking about ways to live a successful life, whether consciously or not. Though or continent is blessed with an abundance and diversity of resources, we …
*This story is inspired by true events “That bitch!” Ilsa looked up from her cup of rooibos tea as Ryan stormed onto the veranda. He was glaring at his phone, sweating and swearing and sweating …
Death is… La petite mort. The little death. Sensations deep within me. Clenched muscles… A quickening of breath. Death is… Pleasure New bodies, new textures, new flavors. Death is… A renewal amongst lovers. Death is… Being …
There are a myriad of voices to be heard in a cemetery if you listen. There are contented sighs from people enjoying well deserved rest from their labors, gnashing of teeth by evil persons only remembered …
*When my kids were younger, they would mash their words together when they spoke. Two of the casualties of those frequent oratory crashes were the words ‘did + ‘you’ = ‘dzidju’….or Jeju. I couldn’t resist putting …
Female in Nigeria (FIN) is a closed group on Facebook, accessible by invitation only. The group has nearly 180K members, and it’s no surprise why. The revelations, testimonies and comments are hilarious, heartbreaking and always thought …
“I was hitting my girl from the back – and by that I mean I was totally drilling into her ass hole…she loves that…and then she comes and squirts all over me. I was like, ‘Mate! …
Last week was Mother’s Day and this year marks the closest mama and I have ever been. Whatsapp has definitely contributed to building communication between us. Yet while we talk more, we still don’t talk about …