This post is an update to a previous post by Guest Contributor Miss A “Our Father…” I’ve been praying incessantly lately. “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done…” I’ve been praying fervently, morning and night. “Forgive …
Blog Posts
I got my results from Medlab today…I had gone into the lab last Thursday and requested for a “fasting blood sugar” and HIV test. This is the third HIV test I have taken in my life …
Adventures from the bedrooms of African women is a space for African women to share knowledge on sex and our diverse sexualities. There is insufficient information by African women on the diverse sexualities of African women. …
“You shouldn’t have a problem” says a fairly new male acquaintance to me, “Where were you like a year ago?” We have been talking about relationships and sex…his assumption is that I’m an attractive woman and …
Are there double standards around men and women’s sexualities? How true is this in Ghana and Africa? Why do men cheat? Why do women cheat? How does society respond when a man cheats? How is this …
The recent conversations on visits to the Ob/Gyn have somehow led to the subject of virginity and associated issues such as, who is a virgin? Someone who has never had sex? Someone whose hymen is intact …
If you are a regular reader of this blog you will know that I like to look at African women’s sexualities in all its diversityand breadth. I recently found out that Dr Sylvia Tamale based at …
It’s been four months, one week and two days. I’ve been craving, having vivid dreams, praying, begging God to make the months move a little faster. God, has it only been four months, one week and …
I am so thrilled! I just read in Pambazuka of the first hospital in Burkina Faso, “The Pleasure Hospital” that is reconstructing clitorises for women who have been subjected to female genital mutilation. Since I started …
How soon shall I tell a guy (who is interested in me) that I blog about sex and sexuality? Sometimes the subject of blogging never comes up at all yet there have been three occasions where …