Call for Submissions in Prose and Photography Thanks to the high interest in the new African LGBTI Anthology and the engaging poems we received in our original call for submissions in poetry, we’ve decided to expand …
Blog Posts
“How did you find me?” Pomaa winced as Akoto dabbed her left eye with a cold, wet cloth. He whispered soothing apologies as he cleaned her wounds. “It was Freddie who actually found you,” he admitted. …
*Note: This next post has been written to the precise specifications that Abena Y set forth. I don’t like trouble! The concrete floor grated like sandpaper beneath her feet. *Shhhh, shhhh, shhhh!* Every step was …
No don’t let this title confuse you. I’m not saying that women are the weaker sex in fact that’s the last thing I’m trying to say but I just wanted to clarify before I continue. I’ve …
So these were to be the instruments of her torture. Six inch cloth strips. A flat wooden spatula. A bubbling pot of molten wax – all waiting to do the bidding of the grim faced Jamaican …
I never came with you So I’m gonna go You never waved in the way you moved even when I showed you how to sway your waist your hands were upset that I asked for fast …
The entrance to the Amakom Children’s Park was a sad sight. The fence surrounding it had long fallen into disrepair, the ground was overrun with weeds and what were certainly once splendid shelters were reduced …
The sound of the key card entering the door woke Marissa from her light sleep. She had only laid back down moments before after ushering her girlfriend off to the airport for her 10 am flight. …
Agyaakoo, one of our guest contributors sent me this image he took somewhere in Accra, Ghana. It gave me a good laugh, and I thought I would share it with you all. Malaka you see, the …
Two months. It had been two months since Pomaa had taken on three of Uncle Ekow’s projects and seen them to completion. Pomaa still had not been paid for her labor. That was the funny thing …