Dear M, You may or may not have realized it, but these last few days in NYC were very hard for me. Emotionally hard, and that threw me for a loop. I wasn’t expecting this trip …
Tag: love
I’ve been a bit emotional lately and I don’t do emotions very well. At least not the sad type of emotions where you get teary eyed cos you are thinking of what you used to have… …
I know the feelings I have for him are real but he loves me more than I do him. It is in the way he pays attention to the little things. The looking in the eyes. …
One of my friends totally cracked me up a few minutes ago. We have a pre-birthday dinner date arranged (I’ll be turning 33 in a few days time) and I texted him to re-schedule because another …
Don’t kid yourself, I can steal your wife if I wanted. It amazes and amuses me how flippant most married men are of lesbian relationships. A bisexual friend of mine’s hubby actually asked her rather incredulously …
Imagine if… Men and women didn’t play games… People were free to love whoever they wanted to love… Age really was nothing but a number… Imagine if… (Add your own ‘imagine if’ in the comment field …
To think that once upon a time you loved this person, could not wait to speak to him, see him, spend time with him. Then one day, you wake up, and things have changed. You no …
Love making, sex, shagging, intercourse, fu*king, boning … do they describe the same act? I would argue not. For me making love depicts an act of tenderness. I imagine candles, soft music, clean sheets, massage oils …