One of the really amazing things that keeps happening with the Spirit Women panel we will be holding at #Chalewote2016 is how all the right people and right energies are coming together to create what is bound to be an exciting evening of conversations, readings, music and imagery. When I thought that our panel couldn’t get even more perfect, it did.
I am delighted to say that we will be able to screen images from ‘Spirit Desire‘ by Sokari Ekine, a feminist writer, blogger, photographer and activist who works in Haiti, and the U.S.
Spirit Desire is a series of photographic essays that explore African Diasporic spiritual practices as spaces of resistance, imagination and sacred memories.
The series which includes images of everyday living, ritual and ceremony, aims to shift the gaze from representations that depict Vodoun as negative and present a decolonizing narrative: one in which Vodouwizan engage with a consciousness and spirituality that celebrates our humanity rather than focusing on a set of prescribed normative identities.
Exploring the dance, song, possession, drumming, aesthetics and ritual of Vodoun through photography allows me to express the freedom of an unbound imagination that recognizes the power of the self and the spirit within us as a multidimensional force which stretches far into the past and into the future.
Here is a teaser of some of the images you will see at Spirit Women which takes place this Friday 19th August from 7.39pm at Untamed Empire Concept Store, Ridge, Accra.