Polygamy is the devil. If you thought that the devil’s zipcode was hell, I am here to tell you that he has been residing and bedding our African society, for ages. It is time that we, …
Category: General Issues
Issues that do not fit into our broad categories
[ I’m excited to post my first audio blog for Adventures. Hoping to introduce more innovation to the site. Enjoy the audio. And for those who like text, you still have that as an option. Please …
At an event in Accra a few weeks ago I saw this young man wearing a T shirt that says ‘Pussy Magnet’ (as pictured). I run after him and asked if I could take a picture …
We’ve been putting this massive job off for a while now, but the time has come for us to re-design this website with the help of our lovely sponsors at Web4Africa So here is your opportunity …
Well hello ATS STANs! I have to make this note brief so that I can write the next installment before you all nail me to the wall for not having it done. 🙂 I need your …
My BFFFL Nana Darkoa is a staunch feminist. We haven’t always seen eye-to-eye on everything, but she generally has a way of conveying her point convincingly. As a feminist, part of her dogma lies in the …
I’m delighted to share that a few days ago I created my very first ‘Adventures’ podcast for ‘Women of the World Festival‘ which takes place from 7th-11th March at the Southbank Centre in London. As a …
What good things come out of the visa office? The smell of immigrant lust lingers above the warm plastic chairs; the sweaty shuffle between tiny meaningless bureaucratic indignities. The perfect place to find a date! Of …
When I was in secondary school there was nothing better than having a boyfriend who was a couple of years older than you were. When I was in Form 3, my boyfriend was in Lower 6. …
When did you hear the word “fuck” for the first time? I heard it for the first time in Sunday school when I was an innocent eight-year-old girl (yes, I will start therapy soon). An impish …