Hmmm, does penis size matter? That’s the question one of the ‘commenters’ on this blog wants us to answer. Before I can really answer this question I need to think of some of the different penises …
Category: General Issues
Issues that do not fit into our broad categories
We decided that since neither of us had encountered every penis on the planet (and who would want to?) it might be a good idea to do susu with our experiences and put them in one …
Since we’re getting all cozy on this blog, I have a wonderful Adventure to share with you. Prepare yourselves ladies (and gents) to be regaled by the tale of “My Voyage on a Man I will …
My grandmother and I shared what I consider a unique relationship. Having no daughters of her own (she bore four sons), she often referred to me as “her daughter”. I was also her namesake and I’ve …
I hope you are intrigued by the name of our spanking new blog, ‘Adventures from the bedroom of African women’. I am too, even though I am a co-author for this blog. So what is this …