Whoopi Goldberg refers to hers as a Punany, six-year old Kate calls hers tata, Annie cheekily calls hers her va jay jay, Steve calls mine a Punkie and Dufie calls hers a pussy. I don’t have …
Blog Posts
Yesterday, myself and two of my girlfriends watched a production of The Vagina Monologues at the Efua Sutherland Theatre, University of Ghana, Legon. I was keen to watch the production, especially because The Vagina Monologues was …
I am defining a “good” relationship as one in which both parties are happy and fulfilled. However being in a “good” relationship does not always guarantee a great sex life (although a great sex life might …
An integral part of any relationship is when it comes to an end…and yes, every relationship will end. Be it a one night shag-fest or the departure of souls after a long “ ‘til death do …
I want to thank one of the readers of this blog for drawing my attention to an article on the NYTimes.com website by Daniel Bergner “What do Women Want? – Discovering What Ignites Female Desire”. This …
Love making, sex, shagging, intercourse, fu*king, boning … do they describe the same act? I would argue not. For me making love depicts an act of tenderness. I imagine candles, soft music, clean sheets, massage oils …
It’s official. The results from our first poll are out and those who voted want us to blog on: 1. More sex tips and techniques 2. A good sexual encounter 3. Diverse sexualities 4. Some facts/research …
A reader of this blog asked me ‘So, how did you get so confident?’. I guess what she really meant was, how did you become so bold in writing about sex? The fact is, I don’t …
Hmmm, does penis size matter? That’s the question one of the ‘commenters’ on this blog wants us to answer. Before I can really answer this question I need to think of some of the different penises …
We decided that since neither of us had encountered every penis on the planet (and who would want to?) it might be a good idea to do susu with our experiences and put them in one …