She held my hand and then led me in the direction of what I assumed was the bedroom. It turned out it wasn’t. It was the bathroom. She shed her clothes and asked me to do …
Category: Lesbian
Lesbian sex
The rest of the week went by without her coming on to me or anything. I didn’t avoid her but I also didn’t try to get close to her or anything. It was Friday and we …
I am a control freak. It’s one of the reasons I don’t have a boyfriend. I tend to intimidate the guys I date. I try to be weak and needy but it’s just not me. I …
14th October 2022. “Go and finger the girl in green.” She said this between kisses, while I was straddling her. This confused me momentarily, because my girlfriend is very aware that I never make the first …
14th October 2022. Before the Party 18:30 We just got back from the beach. The plan for the day had been to go shopping at Makola, get herb at the beach and come home to rest …
Sy is standing behind me, close enough that we’re almost touching, but just far enough so we aren’t. Her breath is warm against my neck, almost ticklish. I could take the tiny step back anytime and …
To strap, or not to strap, that is the question. That’s the concept we shall be exploring in this essay. Someone raised a concern about a pattern she’d noticed among Ghanaian LBQ women. Apparently, many of …
Written by Fu “Are you ready?” she one-kneed herself across the edge of the bed and signalled me to move to her. We knelt at eye level for a while, her eyes never leaving my face …
Written by Naomi “I can’t believe this is happening.” I whimpered to myself, just before I rang the doorbell. The door cracked open to reveal the brightest pair of honey eyes and a mischievous gap-toothed grin …
I think we’re alone now. There doesn’t seem to be anyone around. The beating of our hearts is the only sound. Can you hear them pound? I can hear mine. The lub-dub of my heart is …